Unlucky Kentucky Bucky

Crossbow Hunting

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Woody Williams
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Unlucky Kentucky Bucky

Post by Woody Williams »

Story later..............

Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

Hunting in Indiana at [size=84][color=Red][b][url=http://huntingindiana.proboards52.com]HUNT-INDIANA[/url][/b][/color][/size]
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Post by Digger »

Nice going Woody,pretty buck.Freezer is filling up. 8)

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T.P. Titan TL4, acudraw 50, Varizone
Vixen, Steddy Eddy, Varizone
Martin Rage
Martin Jaguar
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Red Label

Post by Red Label »

Great buck Woody...as usual!

Is his left brow tine broken off?


Last edited by Red Label on Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GaryL »

Nice Rack, Congrat's :!:
Always learning!!
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Post by Sandman »

Congrats Woody...Beauty buck to boot!

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Post by Quickshot »

Congrats Woody, nice buck. :D
enjoy the woods

Post by Guest »

Congrats WW!! Nice buck again!!

How much did he dress out at?? I'm guessig 145#.
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Post by (THE BLUE STAR) »

Congrats , Nice buck the other Woddy, :D :D Frederick
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Post by darkhollowarcher »

ya got another goodun Congrats
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Post by wabi »

Congratulations Woody!!!!!!!!!
Looks like a nice one, I'll be waiting to hear the story.
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Post by wildwindom »

Congrats woody :lol:
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Post by tkstae »

That is one real nice looking Buck. Congrats!!!!
Woody Williams
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The story...

Post by Woody Williams »

The pre-rut is fastly sliding over into the REAL RUT. I was situated in a scrub area in Kentucky that had pretty good rut activity in the years past. This was the first time I had hunted this stand since mid October. The reasons being that I didn’t hunt as much as usual (couldn’t walk much on my sprained ankle and recovering from a double hernia) and the weather has been just too blamed too hot.

The hernia is healed and the ankle is doing a lot better. The weather had cooled great. It was a perfectly clear morning with just a slight breeze with a temperature of about 44.

As dawn was breaking I could tell that there was a lot better visual vantage now than the last time I was in the stand. I could see for a hundred yards or so in some areas. This is an extremely thick area and when the leaves are on the trees a deer can get within 20 yards of me without me seeing it.

Good shooting light came and I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I slowly turned my head to see a pretty decent ten point making his way through the woods out about 70 yards or so. The direction he was walking would take him past me, so I tried to grunt and wahh him in with a grunt tube and a Primos can. That stopped him and he was looking. I wouldn’t make any sounds while he was looking. If he turned his head or started to walk again I would repeat the grunt –wahh sequence.

It was all to no avail as he decided that he would continue on his merry way. He had not gone very far when he made an abrupt left turn and started trotting- he was after a doe that had came into the picture. I’m sure if she was attracted to the grunt - wahhing or not. As they both made there way back towards where he had come from I noticed another deer over by where they were. Undoubtedly it was her fawn.

No sooner had they went out of sight I heard a commotion of running deer in behind me. A spike buck came running a yearling doe right past my stand. It was a god thing he wasn’t a good one as I couldn’t have even got my crossbow up in time to shoot. They went on down through the woods.

About 15 minutes passed and there were no deer anywhere. I had settled back down into my seat when a rather large does and two fawns walked past me out at about 75 yards on the opposite side of where the buck had been earlier. They were in no hurry and just meandered up through the woods

No sooner than they had passed a looked out in front of the stand and a basket racked eight point 1 ½ year old buck was walking right to my stand. He slowly made his way through the woods and ended up passing within 5 yards of me as I watched him carefully. He had almost an ear width rack with slender tines that stuck up pretty good. If he can make it a couple of years he will be a superb deer.

The busy morning was about to get busier.

Another single doe came through some brush and went by my stand about 40 yards out. She didn’t seem in any hurry and being alone I thought just maybe a buck would be trailing her. No such luck.

I couldn’t see very well in behind the stand, but I did hear a deer walking. I eased my head around the tree and there stood a small 4 pointer. He was going to walk right past my stand going on the same run as the eight pointer earlier only in the opposite direction. When the pre-rut and rut is on there is no rhyme or reason to which way deer will travel.

When he got a little past my tree he went on alert. Whoa! I don’t think he smelled me, but I did have out some “Doe in Heat” scent in my Pee Willie Wick. That was stationed 20 yards on the other side of the tree. I wasn’t sure if he was smelling that or not, although the eight pointer never stopped to sniff. He started doing that stiff legged walk and would just do a little stomp and stare.

This went on for about 5 minutes when he started staring down through the woods. I eased my head around and picked out the motion of a pretty decent buck meandering through the woods. He wasn’t trailing anything, but basically just browsing here and there.

He was out about 60 yards or so when the two bucks made eye contact. The forky forgot about the smell and started going back the way he came. He got in behind me and I lost sight of him. I could still hear him every now and then so he didn’t go far.

The buck I was now concentrating on was making his way towards my stand to the spot where the forky was at. That would put him at 15 yards straight out from the stand. I slipped the safety off of my Excalibur Exomag and waited. He went in behind some honey suckle and I eased the crossbow up. He stopped. OUCH! Did I make a noise? He wasn’t looking in my direction but up through the woods towards where the forky had went. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him to see if the forky was still there and had picked out my movement. Whatever it was – me making a noise, my scent or the forky sending body language signals to him he didn’t like it. I thought once about sending an arrow through the honey suckle as it was not very thick and close to him. Two words kept me from doing that – Red Label.

He started to turn and when he did I put the 20 yard crosshair on him. He started back down the path that he had came in on, but this time he wasn’t angling towards me, but angling away. When he cleared the honey suckle at 15 yards I pulled the trigger. The hit was perfect and the angle would take out both lungs.

I watched him as he ran for 70 yards and then pile up. The Exomag with the Wasp SST Hammers had done the job quickly again.

The buck scaled out at 178 field dressed. He is a nine pointer if you count the broken brow tine. Inspecting him showed an old wound on the top of his neck. I thought at first that it was a grazing shot by an arrow, but during the skining process we could see that it was a tine wound from fighting.

He is not a whopper, but I am pleased with him since I really haven’t hunted that much this year due to my double hernia operation and the busted up ankle.
Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

Hunting in Indiana at [size=84][color=Red][b][url=http://huntingindiana.proboards52.com]HUNT-INDIANA[/url][/b][/color][/size]
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Post by GREY OWL »

That's a pretty big buck in my mind Woody. You got to be proud with that one. What are ya planning to do with the meat? Roasts, steaks, hamburger, jerky?

Due to my very busy fall, only got to sit in the treestand for two short afternoons, now rifle season is here.

Hopefuuly tag a big one next week.

Grey Owl
Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »

Backstraps and loins cut into steaks. Bacon wrapped of course.

The rest goes into hamburger for the church food pantry..
Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

Hunting in Indiana at [size=84][color=Red][b][url=http://huntingindiana.proboards52.com]HUNT-INDIANA[/url][/b][/color][/size]
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