first snow

Crossbow Hunting

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first snow

Post by fletch »

I was wondering if the first snowfall in the area would be a good hunting day or wait till they get used to the snow on the ground? Hope you guys with all the experience might help someone relatively new. And is camo still effective in snow conditions or do you need white gear?
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Post by Shakky »

Deer love the first snow fall! Get out there and hunt I've always done well at that time. It makes them very active. Plus you can see what trails thery are using for future hunts.
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Post by TAC »

I was wondering this very same thing.

Last Wed we rec'd about 6" of snow and I found very few trails (albeit that could be due to the deer vanishing around here) and between last night and now (it's still falling) we've rec'd 6" of fresh snow.

I was wondering about going out this afternoon. Likely still will but I wonder if the deer will be fairly stationary and avoiding the edges of fields.

I suspect it'll be best if I find a cleared path in the bush and wait for a buck to come along.
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Post by mblaney »

The snow will get the deer excited and a little careless; won't last long though (the carelessness, snow will last a little longer). I am always amazed at how much the deer move at night; it is really sweet if your grounds are part of their yarding patterns; a few years ago I had nine deer that came withing 100 ft of my house approximately every 2 days!
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Post by R.J. »

fletch : Any snow on the ground will give you some advantage .... easier to track / scout , easier to blood trail etc. As for the camo whatever is your best back ground .... I'm still in my 3D hardwoods , since most of my set-ups are on dark background . When the snow really flys and everything is coated somewhat in white , I switch to my 3D winter skyline camo .

The keypoint is "background" .... if you are setting up in a tree stand , look up into the skyline and see what fits better . Also on the ground , what is the background like ?

There are lots of good green pine or spruce stand set ups that require dark camo even with lots of snow on the ground .

Get into some white camo when things start to look like this and the ground break-up looks like this .

Again ... look up into the trees and see what you figure fits in best ....

Here is a picture from a few years back . I was invited out with Red Label and scouted a nice funnel between 2 corn fields ( it is the bush in the background ) .... even though the bush is thick and dark the funnel is fairly open so the winter skyline camo fit in great ( it is strapped to my climber stand in the picture ) . That day we had some help from a coyote that was moving the deer around as well ....

Hope this info helps ..... good luck ....
See Ya. ... R.J. > " Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry "
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Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:49 am
Location: Greely,Ont.

Post by fletch »

Thanks for the help. RJ that is exactly what I was wondering, if I needed the winter camo and by the way it looks awesome. I am going to give it a try again tonight.
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