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Post by Otto »

It's a politic topic .

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Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2002 6:44 am

Post by Camper »

Well fella's, I work with a Gay guy and had no Idea he was gay until some of my co-workers told me. I ended up becoming good friends with him and have to say that a friend is a friend and no matter where he comes from or who he is (Because being gay is not a choice, it's who the person is by no fault of anyone). He has never hit on me or made me feel uncomfortable. I consider him a valuable friend because he respects my heterosexuality and I respect his homosexuality. This is the first Gay person I have ever known and It was weird at first as I used to be the first one to Laugh or make jokes about fags. One thing that has changed though is my love for those big firm titties, long blonde hair and the touch of a Woman is more powerful then ever!!!!

No offence to any women that uses this site, That was not meant as a degrading coment but a compliment in the fullest!!!

Time and Patience the best advice my Grandfather gave me.

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Post by GREY OWL »

I don't know who the hell you are Sling Shot, but your comment CANADA'S GAY is maybe a little to broad!! By saying that then maybe I'm gay, (you see I live in Canada).

I don't agree with Homosexaulity, and don't think its normal either. But that's who they are, and what they are, and we can't change that.

Tom Brown Jr. considered the number 1 survivalist in the States (New Jersey) once said in his book, ALL OF LIFE'S ANSWER'S, TO ONE'S PROBLEMS CAN BE FOUND IN NATURE, JUST LOOK FOR IT.

The day I see two bull moose going at it, is the day I'll agree with it.

Just my opinion

Grey Owl
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Post by chris4570 »

I know a few people who are gay/lesbian. They are great people! I could care less what their sexual orientation is as I am confident and comfortable with my heterosexuality.

Here's a question for those who feel they should be stoned or sent to a distant planet. How would your viewpoint change if a family member or a close friend told you they were gay? Would you automatically hate them? How would you feel if a group of thugs decided to jump this person and beat the living snot out of them just because they like people of the same sex?
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Post by Shakky »

The comment "Canada's Gay" doesn't sit well with me either. I was raised to be tolerant of all peoples beliefs and ways of life. But that's not good enough anymore. Now I have to agree with it and have a parade for them. I don't care what people do behind closed doors but keep it behind closed doors. I don't know why Canada's Wonderland has to have a gay day or why Toronto holds a gay pride parade. If one is gay fine go and be gay I don't care but leave time honoured institutions alone. It seems everyone is worried about the rights of homosexuals but no one is standing up for my rights. I should have the right to be married to my wife and not have my marrage associated with homosexuals.
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Location: Greely, Ontario

Sick, but anyway...

Post by mblaney »

A gay man, finally deciding he could no longer hide his sexuality from his
parents, went over to their house, and found his mother
in the spam cooking dinner.

He sat down at the spam table, let out a big sigh, and said, "Mum, I have
something to tell you: I'm gay." His mother made no reply
or gave any response, and the guy was about to repeat it to make sure she'd
heard him, when she turned away from the pot she was
stirring and said calmly, "You're gay, doesn't that mean you have oral sex
with other men?"

The guy said nervously, "Uh, yeah, Mum, that's right."

His mother went back to stirring the pot, then suddenly whirled around and
WHACKED him over the head with her spoon and said,
"Don't you EVER complain about the taste of my cooking again!"
:shock: :lol:
Posts: 229
Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2002 6:44 am

Post by Camper »

LOL LOL LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Time and Patience the best advice my Grandfather gave me.

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