Ontario Firearms Regualtions????

Crossbow Hunting

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Ontario Firearms Regualtions????

Post by dsd48 »

I would like to bring my ExoMag to Ontario next deer season. Can this be done without declaring it as a firearm to Canadian Customs which will result in paper work and fee as for shotgun/rifle. I have looked in the regulations, but see nothing about crossbows.

Post by canadianhunter312 »

canadian firearms regs are bullshit. if it were a gun you would be better off renting (possible?) a gun here. but, since its a crossbow you will have no problem at all.

my grandpa has crossed the border a few times into the US with his xbow with no probs. should be the same coming to ontario i believe.

Posts: 264
Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2002 9:48 pm
Location: Carleton Place, Ontario

Post by Armadias »

send a PM to bj on this forum he travels alot to USA for 3D shoots.
He will be able to help you.
No use getting to the border and having trouble.
Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:09 am
Location: Central Alberta


I phoned Canada Customs about importing a crossbow from the U.S. and I was told no problem if the stock is over 15 3/4" long. The phone no. is 1-800-461-9999. I had a fairly short time on hold to talk to an actual person.

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Location: Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Post by bj »

you will have no problem getting your bow into Canada...they will simply want to know what your plans are for it while it's here...the fact that it is made in Canada makes it a must that you declare it to U.S. customs before you attempt to bring it back...i suggest you call them and they will fill you in on what you need to do...we in Canada, normally will declare the bow here, as going into the U.S. and they will sticker it at the border ...the problem is not always getting it somewhere, it's getting it back home...not so much the legality of bringing it back into the U.S. but with some paperwork that says that it originally came from there, so that import taxes and duties are not applied as if you purchased it here on your stay in Canada....

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