jh45gun/rope cocker

Crossbow Hunting

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jh45gun/rope cocker

Post by GaryL »

Here's the pictures you wanted and some information on the rope cockers.... :D


This is in no way trying to take away from Excalibur’s sells on their rope or crankaroo cocking device’s.

The problem with the standard cocking devices Excalibur has at this time is the hooks. The hooks have a too sharp of lip on the out-side edge (LIMB TIP SIDE) of the hooks.

When you pull or crank the hooks back to cock your xbow the string serving catches the edge of the hooks as it tries to slide and bend towards the trigger latching hooks, separating the serving after a few rounds of shooting.

Now too most this is no really big thing as all you have to do is twist and shove the serving back together, but can get bothersome after awhile. This can be corrected by taking a Dremel tool and there small sanding drum with fine sanding drum on it and round off the edge on the inside facing the limb tips on both hooks. This is also the cheapest way as you have to buy nothing.

Another method is to buy a new Horton rope cocker that is similar too the front end (String grabber bar) of a TenPoint cocking aid. These are very rounded /curved at the out side edge and do not catch your serving as you pull/cock back your string saving wear and tear on your serving. Picture is of a Horton style and will fit the rope on your Excalibur rope cocker.

You must be sure a buy the correct one as they have 3 different sizes in width. The Excalibur takes the one that is 1 1/2” wide from slide block to slide block, see pictures.

I show and write about a Horton rope cocker as that’s what I came across first and have been using off and on as well as my crankaroo, of which I rounded off the hooks and now have no problem with them. I figure that Barnett, Parker and Great Lakes just too name a few all have a rope or crank style of some type that would work as well.




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rope cocker

Post by tatman1315 »

Can any one show me a modified Excalibur cocker?
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