Data on your firearms not as secured as said

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Data on your firearms not as secured as said

Post by LeGrand »

This is interesting for those that also hunt with firearms and have registered them in Canada
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Post by ecoaster »

Lock them up and keep them hidden boys, because the government is not doing anything to protect you and I from theives. I wonder who would get a heavier penalty if a criminal broke into my house to steal my guns and I beat the living s*%t out of him?
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Post by A.W »

ecoaster wrote:I wonder who would get a heavier penalty if a criminal broke into my house to steal my guns and I beat the living s*%t out of him?

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Post by LeGrand »

Keept your firearms in the house, buy yourself a shovel and bury the thieves in the backyard. :x
Old Indian saying, if a leaf falls from a tree in the woods the turkey will see it, the deer will hear it, the bear will smell it, the moose will not eat it, but be on the look-out for LeGrand.
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Post by A.W »

Here's some crap from the Toronto Star editorial.

Editorial: Save the gun registry
Mar. 6, 2006. 01:00 AM

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made no secret of his dislike for the federal gun registry. If it were in his power to dismantle it outright, Harper would surely do so.

But because Harper and the Conservative party lack the parliamentary majority to change the legislation that created the registry, he is seeking a more circuitous path to undermine it and ultimately to render it useless.

In recent days, the Prime Minister has talked of reviewing options, including exempting rifle and shotgun owners from having to register their weapons, waiving the $60 fee paid every five years to re-register guns and granting an amnesty for those who have yet to register.

Any or all of the above would ensure the gun registry quickly becomes a toothless tiger.

Such an outcome would be a national tragedy because the registry is at last working as it was originally intended.

True, costs of setting up the controversial program grew at outlandish rates, finally hitting $1 billion.

But now that it is in operation, the registry has become an important crime-fighting tool for police services across the country — and it is more than paying for itself through the fees charged to gun owners.

Among the program's biggest backers are the Canadian Professional Police Association and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

Since 1998, the registry has assisted police in revoking or turning down requests for 16,000 licences. More than 7 million weapons have been registered and compliance among gun owners is about 90 per cent.

It also reminds gun owners of the requirement to store weapons safely or risk penalties in the event of inspections by law enforcement.

However, if the $60 fee paid by the 1.5 million Canadians who own guns is waived, the registry would lose $90 million in much-needed revenue to keep it properly funded. And an amnesty program would reward scofflaws and would inevitably lead to a reduction in compliance.

At the same time, it makes no sense to exempt owners of rifles and other long guns from registering, while requiring owners of handguns and automatic weapons to do so. All are potentially lethal weapons.

Rather than gut the gun registry, Harper should look past the dogma of Conservative party policy and see the bigger picture of public safety.

Clearly, the gun registry is working. Harper should let it do its job. ... 1426211112

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Post by ecoaster »

Seems to me that violent gun crime is on the increase around here. The gun registery is a sorry attempt at a band-aid solution. 1 billion dollars can hire alot of cops or improve social programs to keep kids from heading down the path of a lifetime of crime. I never had a problem with registering my guns, I don't have anything to hide. Now that I know the system can be so easily hacked, I do have something to hide, my guns! If I want to keep them safe that is. :roll:
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Post by Mighty Mooser »

The police officer that was killed in Quebec (The registry didn't save her) The judge left someone who had treatened officers in the past keep his guns for hunting season. As far as I am concered the Judge himself should be charged under the Act. The registry did not save the mounties out west either, and its not going to save anyone from criminals who use weapons, as they are not going to register them.
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Post by ecoaster »

Why have people registered their firearms? Simply put, because they are law abiding "fearing" citizens who do not want to jepordize their right (I use the word gingerly) to hold these firearms. I registered mine because if I did not, they would become illeagal and the cops were going to take them away if I used them for hunting.

Now I ask you this, if someone had or may have the slightest idea of using their guns for violence against another human being, do you really think they would chance registering that serial number. I doubt it.

I strongly believe that the gun registry was a very poor attempt at controlling violence in our country.
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Post by ecoaster »

double post
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Gerard Dick
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Post by Gerard Dick »

Perception is reality in the political world. The gov't had to be seen as doing something about the violence and blamed the guns instead of the pimps and drug dealers. then they turned around and kicked the hunters because they are an easier target. Registering a deer rifle in Saskatoon is going to save a life in Toronto. I'll never be a politician because I can't figure out the logic in that last statement.
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Post by Farmer »

I argued the about the security of the CFC's computers with my ( now Former Liberal MP ) and said it would end up being hacked > He assured me that this could never happen. I then read to him from a Toronto newspaper that had an article telling how many times the DOD ( Dept. Of Defence ) had been hacked and some of the files were considered top seceret. No real comments after that. :evil:
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Post by wallymax »

I know a fella who lives in the Gatineau area who is retired and had served in the French Foreign Legion. He doesn't hunt but had about 30 guns registered and locked up at his house. This was a pretty good secret cause I never knew he had them until after they were taken. Most of these were fully automatic assault weapons he had collected. 30 days after registering them under the new registry his house was professionally broken into and his entire collection taken.

If you can be charged for unsafe storage, someone should be charged for forcing people to submit this type of information to an insecure database.
l patterson
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Post by l patterson »

cant give credit to where i read it but when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns
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Post by chris4570 »

I just sent this letter to the editor for the Toronto Star.

Gun Registry Working??

Who are you trying to fool, the ignorant?

The gun registry is where law-abiding citizens have registered their firearms. The criminals have yet to do so. Chances are they never will. They are criminals, they don't care about what the law says. That's what makes them criminals!

So the registry is working, you say? Really. Of the many gun related killings, how many were carried out with a registered firearm? Include those that were stolen if you wish to fatten your statistics.

You said it best yourself, the registry is a "toothless tiger" when it comes to preventing firearms being used to commit a crime. Always has been always will be. Something the government has been told over and over and over and over.

One more question for you: Does registering your vehicle prevent you from speeding, driving while intoxicated, running red lights? I'll help you out, the answer is NO! You know what prevents you from doing these, an appreciation of life, respect for the law, and a sense of right and wrong.
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