People tick me off VA hunters Read

Crossbow Hunting

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People tick me off VA hunters Read

Post by vapredhunter »

:evil: Ticked off now on the vadeerforum a guy asked how crossbows have affected the archery season in their area. It started out good then all of the tick off compound bow hunters started in about how crossbows suck and should only be used during gun season then one guy said they were for girls who can pull a bow back. Then I put my two cents in and some other people. Then it was deleted with this note when the poster ask why, the reply he received was - Like Momma used to say, "Because!"

The fella that runs this place doesn't like em, or the industry that is promoting them and what they are doing to archery seasons all over the country!

I believe we better just let this one go, before it gets ugly!

Now, I have bowhunted for 23 years I’ve killed bucks with recurves, compounds, and now a crossbow. I’ve stalked them, hunted them on the ground, and in tree stands. Each has it’s own special process and learning curve. All require close interaction with game and a certain skill level to be successful. So I guess I just don’t understand why so many of our fellow hunters are so upset by crossbows. I purchased my crossbow because I thought it would be a cool new addition to my hunting arsenal. For me the past two years have been a fun new learning experience last year I didn’t even get a deer with my crossbow missed a couple I felt sure I could have killed with my compound just because I am more familiar with the bow. All of these same guys crying about crossbow hunting in VA use muzzleloaders and guns so I think their all bunch of hypocrites because anyone that can aim a gun can shoot a deer at 200 yards from a little enclosed box on the side of a field with little or no skill. Sorry guys/gals just venting figured this was the only place I could do it guess I'm tired of people telling me how a crossbow is not archery gear how unfair it is to the real bowhunters Thanks Chris :evil: :evil:
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Post by crazyfarmer »

im trying to get over there now and sign up but its taking 4 years to send me the password key thing :roll:

funny that like you said, they have no issues shooting 100+ yards with rifles and muzzloaders. I use the xbow cause its a nice addition. I dont like it more than my compound though. But I dont like rifles and etc that some use to hunt with.

its stil la bow.. you shouldnt shoot over 30yards really.. the only difference if you dont draw it back

btw, i heard a friend up the road kill a buck yeesterday.. 26inches wide and 20 pts!!!!!!!!! im going to check this out now

if so, it might be a record :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by JeffOwens »

I don't think the argument is about the equipment, I think it all boils down to bowhunters having to share their part of the season with even more people.

I hunt on private land, so could care less about this argument as I can count on one hand the people I am sharing a season with. I have gotton to the point that I am flat out scared of public land durring hunting seasons.

I think people are worried about a flood of new guys into the woods. In a few years when they see that is not the case, I think the argument will die down.

Crossbows are still very new here in VA. People fear the unknown. In 5 years, I am sure everyone will have something new to be scared of / bitch about, and will forget all about the big bad crossbow.
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Crossbows are for girls who can't pull bows back, huh?

I'll bet it's very likely the guy who wrote that could not cock my Exomax barehanded ... but I can!

I used to shoot compounds above 95 lbs. draw weight, and hunted with a #75 longbow. Going to a crossbow had nothing to do with being weak ... it had to do with an orthopedic surgeon's advice about nerve damage in my left hand.

Personally, I'd say the Max requires more effort to cock than any compound or vertical bow I've owned, even with the rope aid. I can do it with ease, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

And as for those who have to use a crank to cock crossbows, so what? Since when is hunting about how strong you are?

The only reason I ever used heavy equipment is that it can be an advantage IF YOU'RE ABLE TO HANDLE IT. The fact that you can or can't doesn't mean a thing. In my case, it is purely genetics. I didn't have a thing to do with it.

Talk like that shows you what we're dealing with in many cases ... immature men who can only make asinine comments and sling mud, as opposed to participating in any rational discussion of the issue.

I wouldn't dignify THEIR comment with a reply. We might as well let time and our actions prove our points. You can't argue with idiots.

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Post by JeffOwens »

I only run into the anti crossbow finatics on the internet, I haven't met anyone who was rude to me about a crossbow.

Closest to being rude comment I have heard was a friend of mine who snickered and said "I did not know you were disabled" type comment, but was only teasing, and actualy tried to buy my crossbow from me later after seeing it.
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Post by LV2HNT »

Don't let them get under your skin Vapred. They are scared by things that are new and probably won't accept them untill they've been around long enough to be old. Xbows are here to stay as long as the state keeps making extra money from license sales. These guys are childish and selfish and have nothing better to do. They arn't against xbows they are against people hunting their deer. I use to be like them. It is easy to do if you hunt public land like me where 9 times out of 10 someone will ruin your hunt or shoot your buck. It makes hunting very competitive which is a shame. I always hated the large crowds because they hurt my chances of success but I have grown to learn that the big crowds are the best thing for my future as a hunter and gun owner and that is what's most important to me. Besides they have as much of a right to be out there as me. I do think xbows are deadlier than traditional bows but that is a good thing because it will increase our numbers and is more humane. I just try to hunt longer and harder than everyone else and pray that luck will shine on me and I will stay safe. The thing I hate about the large numbers of people out there is that a lot of them have no ethics or brains making them flat out dangerous, etc. Xbows and bows both shoot the same thing at the same ranges in the same way so they are basicaly equal as far as I am concerned. Next time you see someone bad talking xbows, ask them how they felt about early muzzle loader season when it was introduced. Then ask them how they feel about it now that they have one and use it every year. They hate xbows becouse they think they are a threat to their success. They are too ignorant to admit their success might not be great because they arn't the best hunters in the world.
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Post by deerman »

Didn't they use crossbows in the dark ages?I think it may have been around longer than the vert. bow. :shock:
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Post by crazyfarmer »

i still cant get my access key from them :roll:

if he has a problem with xbows, then take it up with the gov and not the hunters that use them. The law says we can use them, so i use one. To me, i feel more confident of a good shot with one than my compound though. The extra speed helps crush bone that would normally stop your average compound
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Post by DuckHunt »

To me shooting a crossbow is far easier than shooting a compound bow. I've killed far more deer with my compound bow than my crossbow, but with a little luck and time I will change that. The same issues of limited distance, arrow selection, broadhead selection, shot placement, string jumping, etc apply to both methods. Just because crossbows are easier to shoot in my opinion and can make a novice much more accurate than with a compound bow doesn't guarantee any measure of success. That is why we call it hunting season and not shooting season. A crossbow adds nothing to your hunting abilities.

This argument is identical to the in-line .vs. flintlock muzzleloader issue that PA hunters always argue about.

Grizzly Adam: You can cock your Exomax barehanded? My hat's off to you. I have a special name for a trip to the woods with my Exomax without the rope aid. I call it 'going scouting'. :)
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Post by BigBird-VA »

Cocking the Exomax by hand is nothing, it's un-cocking it by hand that separates the men from the boys.

Caught the tail end of that over there. You can't beat a guy who owns the playing field. But it's fun to pizz 'em off a little now and then.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

DuckHunt wrote:To me shooting a crossbow is far easier than shooting a compound bow. I've killed far more deer with my compound bow than my crossbow, but with a little luck and time I will change that. The same issues of limited distance, arrow selection, broadhead selection, shot placement, string jumping, etc apply to both methods. Just because crossbows are easier to shoot in my opinion and can make a novice much more accurate than with a compound bow doesn't guarantee any measure of success. That is why we call it hunting season and not shooting season. A crossbow adds nothing to your hunting abilities.

This argument is identical to the in-line .vs. flintlock muzzleloader issue that PA hunters always argue about.

Grizzly Adam: You can cock your Exomax barehanded? My hat's off to you. I have a special name for a trip to the woods with my Exomax without the rope aid. I call it 'going scouting'. :)
same here, I think the xbow's allow more to hunt. Which isnt a bad thing, since most of those guys are just shooting doe's and etc anyway. Its amazing some think these bows can shoot 50-60yards easy and kill a deer... I have to tell most its stil la bow and you really dont want to push 30yards.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

btw, can someone over there tell them to turn my damn account on??? I cant get the friggin email code to make my account work

screen name is crazyfarmer of coarse
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Mama fed me good when I was a young'un!

Boy, I can tell you one thing ... I don't like cocking that Exomax by hand! It really stacks in the last several inches. Could be a back-cracker. I use the rope-aid whenever I can, which is most always. I've got nothing to prove. Seen too many get hurt proving things!

And it's a fact that uncocking it feels like you've just grabbed a draft horse by the tail!

It is a lot of bow.

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Post by crazyfarmer »

n/m finally got on there... do ya'll know they have the words xbow or crossbow blocked out so it reads something gay when u post that?

I went to post a pic of my deer and I cant since it has xbow in the link :roll:

the owner has some serious issues.. I was a admin on a few forums and you cant run a place like that if he expects it to make it :roll:
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Post by ecoaster »

I don't even waste my time on a forum like that. You won't change the moderator's mind. He's not going to wake up some day and say "Geeze, you guys were right, I'm sorry!" When someone takes such a firm stand like that, you might as well just let them keep their head up their &$$.
I hunt for memories, the meat's a bonus!
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