bad news and prayer request

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Post by DrDan »

My deepest condolences Mike...

My mom also made it to 94 years young and was sharp as a tack at that age. One night she got up and was apperently hungry and ate a couple chicken legs and left the bones on a plate on the counter. My sister found her dead on the floor the next morning. She never wanted to go in a nursing home and it was so good that she passed at home with her treasured antiques. You will never get over the loss. Every mothers day it brings back the thoughts of her. Now that both my mom and dad are gone there just isn't anyone to turn to when I'm troubled. Mom's are great listeners and their enduring love makes everything a little better in life. I miss my Mom and I'm sure you will forever.
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Post by raydaughety »

Mike, my family gathered this evening and asked our Saviour to lay His comforting hands upon you and your family. Grieving is a very natural way of healing and I really hope that you will give yourself the time needed to do so. God Bless you and your family. Your other family will be right here if there's anything that you need.
God Bless !!!!!!!!!

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Post by hikerman »

God Bless!
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Post by Farmer »

Sorry to here of the loss of your mother . May the Good Lord watch over you and your family .
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Post by wabi »

Thanks for all the prayers and support!!!!!!!!!
I'm still kind of dazed and thinking slowly (but not sure that's unusual :wink: ) but have come to terms with the reality of it all.
My wife and son agree with my idea of moving into mother's house (my dad built it in 1949) and continuing to keep the house a home!
Looks like I will be busy for the next few weeks, as I will have to do some remodeling before we move. Since it's a 1 bathroom house I will tackle that room before we try to move in, but the work should go quickly. I'm going to update the plumbing fixtures to the newer water conservative models which means I'll have to change the floor covering because the new fixtures have a smaller "footprint" where they mount on the floor.
I may even have to go back to dial-up internet for some time, but I guess I should expect a few hardships. :lol:
The visitation & funeral are scheduled for tomorrow and I have scheduled getting back to work Tuesday, but I picked a job with an understanding customer (amish building contractor) in case I need to cut my workday short.
My biggest concern is for my son because he is young (will be 7 in a couple of weeks) and he and his grandma were very close. I always wondered who was "watching" who when she kept him for a few hours, but she cherished having him to care for, and he cherished every moment he had with her. The only "disaster" they ever got into together was the time he wanted a bowl of soup and he opened the can and put the soup in a metal pan which she put in the microwave to heat for him!
Guess they both learned a lesson on that one, but no harm done other than needing to buy a new microwave and airing out the house after I got them calmed down and explained that microwaves & metal don't work well together. :roll:
He seems to like the idea of moving into "grandma's" house where he can be close to the memories, and I hope he will adjust to the new surroundings and have no emotional problems.
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Post by wildwindom »

Wabi i am so sorry to hear about your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you through this tough time.
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Post by peter p »

sorry to hear about your mother's passing.
My prayers are with you and your family.

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Post by GaryL »

"My condolences Wabi, to you and your family. Sounds like she was a great lady and a super mother. It's hard saying goodbye, but she's in good hands now."

Mike if their is anything I can do just give me a call.

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Post by BigUgly »

My prayers go to you. My grandfather recently died after 93 years of life and has started in the next world the wait till the rest of the family can join him. I have so many things around me that reminds me of him and not a day goes by that I do not shed a little tear, the pain is gone but not the missing and I hope it never will. Remember your mother as a vibrant women like I remember my grandfather as a strong man. In the big sceme of things wwe will all be with our loved ones again but for now deal with the pain and look forward to the memories.
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Post by buckeye »

Very sorry for your loss Mike. You know we are all here for you and your family if you need us. You, your family and mom will be in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

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Post by marmot »

I know how you are feeling. I lost both of my parents while they were both fairly young (my father was 67 and mother was 61). The way my father wasted away was just too much for me to handle emotionally, and I shut down until he passed away.

As a veteran of the Korean War, my dad received full military funeral honors. As a veteran myself and the only son, my sisters chose me to receive his flag. I held it together until the officer in charge of the detail handed me my father's flag and recited the words "from a grateful nation." At that moment time, all of the emotion that I had bottled up for the final months of his life came pouring out, and I broke down and wept.

With that said, the pain, no matter how overpowering it may feel at the present time, will fade in time. In its place, will be all of the memories that you shared.

My father's passing taught me the true value of family, and motivated me to finally start my own. My twins were born a little over year after his passing and shortly before my fortieth birthday. Out of his death came the realization that family is the most important thing a man has in his life. His children are his legacy. As long they procreate, a part of him will live on forever. The same can be said about your mom. Part of her lives on in you, your siblings, and your children.
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