Sarah Palin - Copied from NRA site

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Post by crazyfarmer »

Woody Williams wrote:Guys,

Let's be a little careful on posting so called pictures of Palin in all stages of undress. The lefties are photoshopping a lot of her pictures in order to demonize her.
exactly what the bikini picture looks like LOL
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Post by DrDan »

What names are yah gonna call me if Palin has to go to jail? Too soon to tell what is gonna happen.
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Post by sumner4991 »

DrDan wrote:What names are yah gonna call me if Palin has to go to jail? Too soon to tell what is gonna happen.
We'll call you "Dreamer". No need to even wait. How many times have we seen this tactic? There's another waste of money . . .all these investigative committees that prove nothing and cost millions. When was the last time they paid dividends? Nixon? And what happened to him? LOL! How did the Nation benefit from that?

I've talked to several folks that where either undecided or going to vote Obama, but, now they are for McCain due to Palin. I haven't met one that is now for Obama that was for McCain before the announcement. I'll keep asking . . .there has to be one somewhere.
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Post by Excalibur Marketing Dude »

I was reading a post on here about religion and politics are topics to avoid and I agree that to be a very true statement. I think this thread has been beaten to death and nobody is going to win an argument about politics. Hey guys, in some places its already deer season, its time to change gears here!

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Post by DrDan »

Nope not me... LOL I'd a left that pelt on her legs...
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Post by DrDan »

LOL Hey Jim did you notice that the map is getting bluer and bluer? I predict a landslide...

I smell beer and cheese curds... Damn I wish I was in WI to enjoy this evening while I watch Palin flounder around.

I'll quit my arguement when season opens and it cools down a little. My god they predict 90 F tomorrow. Not conducive to hunting deer!

PS What kind of 45 do you shoot? I got a tricked out Colt 70 Series large letter. Nice gun. Never jammed in 10 years!
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Post by LV2HNT »

Palin looks like a great candidate to me, but I learned a long time ago not to believe everything that the news says, which is extremely true today. I unfortunately don't know much about her and nobody else seems to either. I am not saying that inexperience is a bad thing. It may be what is needed. Someone who hasn't formed alliances and gotten favors that must be repaid might be just what our country needs, but I am skeptible. I could never vote for Mccain though no matter who he runs with. After all, he is the one who will be running things and as far as I can tell he is a replica of Bush.

I could never vote for Obama either because he is about the same as Bush too. The two party system has set us up again and it astounds me that nobody seems to see it. Since Obama took out hillary, he has flipped on what I feel are his most important stances. He voted for the FISA bill and he has stated that even though he wants to pull troops out of Iraq, he wants to leave U.S. bases there. What goodwill that do?

The main point for me above all else is that both candidates have taken a seriously wrong and bold stance against Iran and Russia. It floors me that nobody seems to be concerned about it. This is quite possibly the beginning of world war 3 and nobody seems to care. Have none of you learned that war is bad yet? Have you not noticed that the whole Russia-Georgia conflict has been portrayed falsly by the media and government. The U.S., Israel, and Georgia are the real culprits and Russia is the one in the right. This is the freaking Twilight Zone. Have you seen any of the threats Russia has made against us lately. The ones where they say they will definetly respond with military rataliation if we build our anti missile base in Poland. Or the one where they say that they consider our military assistance in Georgia an ACT OF WAR and they will respond accordingly! We can do nothing to defend ourselves except start a nuclear war and they know it, plus our allies in Europe are affraid to do anything because Russia suplies all their oil. Not that anyone should do anything about it though, because we deserve it, like we did 9/11 (if it realy happened). We are once again in the wrong and guilty of acting more like communist dictators than a free republic.

It saddens me to see people everywhere that have not yet woken up to the fact that we have been getting scammed for many years now by both parties. They differ slightly but underneath are the same fascist beasts that our fore fathers warned us about. They have both trashed almost every aspect of our country and no one seems to notice or care. They want the hot girl, the maverick, or the magical change guy. Anyone who even considers voting for these nuts for any of these shallow spoon fed reasons deserves to lose his or her right to vote.

I gave up voting for the lesser of two evils years ago because it only feeds the beast. I refuse to be bullied and threatened with losing my gun rights any more. If they want them they can come and get them. I would rather settle this thing once and for all, before everyone is totaly brainwashed that guns are the root of all evil, or before it is to late to fight back because they will all have lazer cannons instead of guns or much worse... I will vote for the candidate that I believe will represent my core views and thats it. If Palin was running for Prez, I may very well vote for her but unfortunately she is not. If no one worthwhile is running, I won't vote. No vote is ever wasted as far as I am concerned. No voice at all in this case speaks so much louder than a puny worthless vote. Do you remember the time, energy, and money that was spent rocking/getting out, the vote, years ago when voter turnout was at record lows. That was the only time I have ever seen a politcian who was scared and concerned about what the common person wanted. Luckily this year I can write in Ron Paul so I will be voting. He probably won't win but at least I will be able to sleep at night knowing I did what I understood and felt was truly right for my country and world. Not following the opinion/advice of some supposed expert, main stream media scum, political party, or the elite that realy run this place.

I predict Obama will get the popular vote, Mccain will get the electoral vote and win, and Paul will scare the you know what out of both parties. Then we will see the draft reinstated and more war abroad while our once great country crumbles around us. Any dissent will be turned around into an accusation of terrorism and it will be off to the prison/slave labor camps without trial. Their is also the very real possibility that Iran will use biological weapons against us or the bird flu will become a reality. Either way they both lead to FEMA concentration/death camps for most of us.

You all know me by now and probably think I'm a nut, but I would rather expect and prepare for the worst while hoping/working for the best. That way I am rarely caught off gaurd, dissapointed, or unprepared for what ever may come. The Boy Scouts taught me well. I am not saying that it will happen but do you know that the laws have been made that will allow Bush to cancel the elections and control every aspect of government, for as long as he sees fit, in the case of a national emergency like one of the ones above? Scary huh?

The fact that these things are even possible tells me that most of the people that came before me have seriously let this country down, so excuse me for not believing in their fairytales of making your vote count by voting for the best of the worst, or that they can do anything wrong that they want as long as I keep my guns, or as long as they vote for my most important value/topic. That either of the two major parties actualy care about me or those that will come after me, the country, or what is fair and just. That it doesn't matter if what they are doing is unconstitutional because as long as you arn't breaking the law it won't affect you. I would rather be considered a lunatic who is prepared and informed than be one of the flock that blindly let things get this bad and will blindly follow their masters to slaughter.
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Post by DrDan »

Something that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that polls are generated by calling listed phone numbers. I figure the majority of youth don't even have a land line. They are all on cell phones and can't be polled. If that is true, Obama may win this by the biggest landslide ever.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

so, is everyone ready for deer season:) :P :D
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Post by Kelley »

As soon as I get my scope ring shipped back to me and about 300 shots behind me. Should have plety of time my season starts Oct 1.
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Post by DrDan »


Cool! I have a Winchester 1886 Model in 45-70 full octagon barrel. Yes it too is heavy (even heavier with a full magazine). It was made in 1884 and bought by a lady who worked for Winchester for her husband. Her husband died shortly after and she kept it until late in her life. An elderly friend bought it from her for $15 Yes $15! I traded a German Double 20 ga for it a couple years ago. It has probably not even seen a box of shells through it. Very tight action. I thought about using it for bear hunting, but hell I can't even afford to fish this year so I just take it to the range every few weeks and loosen up my shoulder a bit. I also shoot 375 H&H Mag and compared to that it is a sweety pie.


Hell yes I'm ready for deer season but the weather sure isn't. My god it supposed to be 90 tomorrow. Come on fall!
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Post by Toast »

Obama = Liberal dumbass

Sarah and John :D
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Post by Woody Williams »

So Dan did you photoshop that Bikini Pic?

DrDan wrote:Nope not me... LOL I'd a left that pelt on her legs...
So , why dont you delete it since it is a photoshop? ... rah-palin/

Woody Williams

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Post by DrDan »

Nah I don't feel like it... I'll take it down when they take all this political bullcrap off the forum and get back to hunting talk. I figure that photo is as truthful and relavant as the rest of the crap that is posted.
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Post by mdcrossbow »

obama can't face her down and neither can biden so he is sending hillary and poloski out as his attack dogs. This will be fun watching a real Woman with convictions stand her ground.

Pit Bull with Lipstick !

Do you think they even heard that line.
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