Very slow

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by perrysbirds »

Im in the barrie area and I couldnt tell you what a deer looks like! :D
Seems to be slow here also!
If im not out shooting deer.
Im home drinking beer!
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Post by VixChix »

I haven't seen one this year yet! Not a live one, anyways. The crops are all off around the farm we hunt so they're living in the corn a road over from us. It's been the worst year ever.

BUT, yesterday I was out for a couple of hours and caught a movement of something large and brownish through the trees about 80 yds away. No clear view, but I'm pretty sure it was a deer. There also seem to be some fresh tracks around. I think with the corn starting to come off and the winter wheat coming up we'll get some deer back.
Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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Post by LondonDave »

Slow around London area too. We went out this morning and I was hoping for good things with the frost. I thought they would be moving. Nothing when in the stand. We packed it in a little early and I bumped a doe on the back back to the truck.

Someone mentioned about the OPP warnings. I work for the OPP in the communications centre that covers all of SW Ontario (Tobermory to Dunnville/Windsor to Guelph). We have had so few Car/Deer accidents this year compared to previous years it's incredible. Last year in the peak of the rut and the weeks leading up to it we could easily have 25+ during a night shift. This year I don't know if there is a night when we've had 10...very noticeable difference.

The corn is off in many of the areas now but still not seeing the deer in the fields where I normally would.

Despite this I've still had a good year but Riley and I both have additional tags left that we'd like to fill.

Let hope things pick up in December.

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Post by g.rid »

This is my first year for deer hunting. We went to a camp out side of Algonquin park for rifle. 5 days, 5 guys, lots of tracks, scrapes, rubs, NO DEER :evil: .

2 weeks ago, I bought an Excocet 200. Thursday past I got permision to hunt a neighbours farm. My first afternoon out, I left the bow home, I just went scouting. Came in to a green patch of clover, looked up at a deer 50 yards away :shock: . It was dusk, it was standing at a brush line, so I couldn't make out if it was a buck or doe. But when it spooked, there was 2 more white flags bouncing thru the bush.
The next morning, I had set a blind where I had seen them the night before. 2 hours later, I heard a few noises behind me. Looked around in time to watch 6 deer bounding across an open field to another bush :roll: .

When bow opens up again on the 7th, I will be ready & waiting!
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Post by lscha »

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Post by Quickshot »

Things are slow al over, deer are there just not showing themselves. Keep trying it will happen :)
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Post by Phoenix_Tom »

They might as well declare deer extinct in 58 and 64B. I moved a camera to a scrape line last Saturday and didn't get a single shot. I was in 58 this morning on our most productive mountain. Conditions were perfect, I was there an hour before first light, light wind in my face and nothing. Went out a different route and found fresh sign just to the south of where I sat the whole morning. I'm hunting my spot in 64B right now and nothing's moving. But then again, it's just about to be prime time.

Two bad winters, and an explosion in coyote and wolf populations seem to have taken their toll though. I heard on camp took out 70 coyotes where we never even had any before. They've got to open coyote and wolf back up, put the bounty back in and remove the cash grab they have now. When deer season is over I'm going to see what I can do about that...
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Post by bowaholic »

I have to say in our area we go some days/nights without seeing anything and we are usually 2 or 3 guys when we go out. Friday night one of us took a small buck, Sat morning between the 3 of us we saw nothing, this morning I had deer all around me, saw 11 and heard more!!!
For us it's been better than last year!
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Post by Fishn-Hunter »

Well was out from 2:15 until last shooting light this afternoon, everything was perfect even the slight breath of breeze was out of the best possible direction. It was so quiet you could hear a bull chipmunk fart at 100 paces, that being said I don't think there were any of those around either. Nice too be out just the same but the silence is deafening.
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Post by roland »

one of the farms I hunt had lots of deer last year and not many this year, the trails they run last few years have no tracks this year. there is a lot of coyotes this year.
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Post by munch »

i have spent at least 150 hrs and would bet more like 200 4 12 hour full days in the stand and think i may have seen 20 deer all year .3 years ago i counted 24 in one day and last year on of the first days out i shot the 10th one that walked by the tree by 9am. doe count seems way down maybe seen 6.and still not seen one between 10am and 4 pm area 90
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Post by Sliver »

My area is slow as well,,,, have not seen a deer in three weeks now :?
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Post by DirtyGun »

Where I hunt out in 85, I haven't seen a deer during legal shooting time since the first controlled hunt happened, but I have run into them while walking out. Before the first controlled hunt I'd see them almost regularly heading out to their feeding areas.

In 87, I haven't seen anything since the first controlled hunt, nor have I seen anything before it occurred. But, I hunt in 87 very rarely, since I haven't picked up any properties out this way yet and depend on invites from friends who have permission.

In 90, I have seen them approximately 15 minutes or so before legal time is up and for the first half hour after first light when I was hunting mornings, which I no longer do. I stopped hunting mornings in all areas after bumping way too many deer about three weeks into the season.

It will be interesting to see what happens after the second controlled hunt week is over. Although, I haven't seen much orange out there while doing some driving. I think the majority of folks apply for the first week.
Last edited by DirtyGun on Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by saxman »

The deer here are not even coming to my mineral licks.

I guess I'd better check the oak flats,acorns must be dropping.

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