anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

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anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by wabi »

A newby on a fly fishing forum asked if anyone ever used live bait cast with a fly rod. As usual it got plenty of negative responses, but this one "needled" me a bit.
.....I was biting my tongue a bit there, not so much to the OP but some of the other comments. Fly fishing to me is just that fishing a fly, not a rubber worm, not a fly dipped in attractant and not garden hackle. Then it becomes fishing with a fly rod, I don't go into the woods with a cross bow and call it bow hunting. Call it splitting hairs or being a purist just don't call baiting or doping a fly fly fishing.....

My reply:
I actually DO use live bait presented on a bare hook using the fly rod for one thing - the stocked trout in the local lake each spring.
Those fish are doomed (the water gets far too warm for the trout to survive the summer), they are stocked to encourage the purchase of fishing licenses and attract people to fishing, they are intended to be caught and taken home for consumption, and the fly rod is a very good method (my favorite) to present the bait to the fish.
It's legal, and as far as I'm concerned ethical (just as ethical as using any other type of tackle to catch a mess of trout).

I also hunt with a crossbow in archery season! It's legal, and I might add if you ever actually shoot/hunt with a crossbow you will soon see they are just another way to launch an arrow - and the arrow is still subject to the same laws of gravity as any other arrow launched with any other type of bow!

Worm on a hook attached to a fly, spincast, baitcast, or spinning rod and cast into the water = fishing.
Arrow launched from a longbow, recurve, compound, or crossbow at game = bowhunting.
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by awshucks »

Good for you, Mike!
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by onebigskittle »

Dam Right !
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by Masboy »

fishings fishing and huntings hunting no matter what you use or how you use it.I use about everything and enjoy it all !!! I never care much about what other people think of what I do (just have fun and enjoy!!!)
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by joe171 »

I`m with you on that one brother

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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by Mark Rainbolt »

Mike that was a very profound statement with all the Truth to back it up, Good for you my Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by Pydpiper »

Fishing with live bait is not the same sport as the art of making artificial appear as real, hunting with a crossbow is not the same sport as drawing a longbow in front of game, provided both are in the open.
Every sport has it's peaks, we all strive to be good at what we do. But a guy leaning against a tree with mud on his face and a re-curve bow in his hand in the presence of game is not the same sport as a guy 20 feet in a tree with a crossbow. A guy dragging an artificial lure 250' behind his boat is not playing the same game as a guy sneaking up on a bass hole to score his prize.
The end result is the same, we can all get our game, it is the effort that we make in to fooling the minds of our quarry that make one guys hunt different from the next guys, or his fishing trip.
To each his own.
I went fishing with a buddy on Monday, the material we used, and the organization took every bit of the sport out of it for me. There are those who use the salt of the earth to harvest, and then there is technology, if the meat is the goal it is ALL good, if it is about the hunt itself, then it becomes more personal.
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by wayne »

hankenhunter wrote: You should have heard the screams when fiberglass flyrods were introduced to replace bamboo. Whooeee.

Ya mean there's something other to make a flyrod out of then split bamboo ? :D Man I'am I way behind the times.......What's next wheels on bows ? :lol: .....What's this world coming to!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by Dash »

Well put Wabi,
There's always too many people trying to justify why thier form of hunting is or fishing is more pure or authentic than another. If they all accepted other hunters and fishers better we would be a lot better off. I don't see hunting with my Excal any less pure than when I hunted with my recurve as a young fella. I still hunt on the ground using the same method as before, but of course my chance of a clean kill is higher now :wink:
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by strum »

good for you Wabi and i agree with all you for me
when im fishing with dynamite i dont want some purist to say i should not be using a modern lighter..its dynamite fishing for cryin out loud... 8) kidding i dont use the stuff..
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by joe171 »

Jeezzzz Pyd

Had a few tonight now I have too come back the morn and read your post again

Thanks Joe :) :) :)
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by j.krug »

Excellent reply to this dumb ass wabi! Way to go man. :)
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by wabi »

We all have our preferred methods of hunting and fishing (and some of us even trap) and I see no problem there.
The problem arises when we speak out against a method someone else prefers just because it doesn't meet our personal standards.

As long as it's legal we should refrain from making our opposing view public IMO.

There are practices of hunting/fishing I don't find "sporting" or enjoyable and I avoid using those methods, but they are legal so I will be careful not to speak out against them now and in the future.
Just because I decide not to hunt from a tree stand or shoot fish with a bow & arrow (just fictional examples, I'm not saying I'm opposed to those methods, and in fact I'm not - I've done both plenty of times!), I shouldn't publicly bash those who use those methods by saying it's not "real" hunting or fishing!

I've hunted deer with a longbow while setting in a weed line along a fence and had a deer walk within mere feet of me and I've been perched in a tree stand when a deer walked under the stand. For me, both of those occasions were memorable and exhilarating. (so exciting I let both deer walk - knowing I had totally penetrated their defenses was enough of a "victory" for me) They weren't the same, but yet the end result was very similar and very satisfying to my "ego" as a hunter.

I suggest if we don't feel the (legal) method meets our personal standards of"sporting" or "ethical", we simply walk away (or click on another thread) instead of bashing a legal activity!

A post (shamelessly) stolen from another forum, but worth reading:
Joe Hunter goes to a cocktail party, nothing fancy, just a holiday gathering in Anytown, USA. A conversation begins with Bob Peta, it goes something like this;
“Say Joe, didn’t you go deer hunting this year.”
“Sure did Bob.”
“Man that’s, uh, great, did you get one?”
“Yep, sure did, nice 6 point.”
“Uh, wow, hey that’s great. Say listen Joe, yer a true hunter, a ”Real” hunter are you not?”
“Yes, I sure am.”
“Say, I hear tell of a kinda huntin where people can go and kill animals in fenced in areas. You’ve never done that have you?”
“No, no I haven’t.”
“Well I wouldn’t call that “real” hunting, would you Joe.”
“Well, that’s not the way I hunt.”
“I know Joe, but there are people that hunt in fenced areas, I don’t think that’s “Really” hunting, do you Joe.”
“Well, uh, I guess not.”
“Great, say listen Joe, a bunch of us concerned “Real” hunters are trying to get that done away with, we feel that it is unethical. Will you help us Joe?”
“Well sure, because that’s not the way I hunt, and I am a “Real” hunter.”
“Say thanks Joe; here is what we need you to do. As a “real” hunter, the big boys in senate and congress will listen to you; they know that any “Real” hunter only hunts the way you do, and that’s the only “Real” hunting there is. So what we need you to do is get out there and get petitions signed, people will sign them because you are a “Real” hunter and know that only your way of hunting is the “Real” way.”
So Joe diligently goes after the goal, to ban and outlaw any kind of hunting that Bob suggests is not “Real” hunting. He gathers signatures, petitions courts, makes meetings, he is really cleaning up this “unethical” way of hunting. Wow, he’s got a lot of support. He’s gathering “Real” hunters from all over, and finally, after much hard work, they get a legal way of hunting banned.

“Joe, you did great and we sure appreciate your hard work, but hey, let me tell you what I heard about. There is another kind of hunting “We” think is not right. Do you think you can help us?”
“Well, I guess so Bob, I don’t hunt like that, so it’s not “Real” hunting. How can I help?”
“Well, here is what we need…….,” and it’s the same story. Odd how Bob seems to keep adding onto the list of what “Real” hunting is, but Joe goes at it hard and heavy, and in the end, he gets that type of legal hunting banned. Bob and his “Friends” are happy. Joe’s a “Real” hunter after all, and these other guy’s, well, they are not, because the way they hunt is different from Joe, and Joe does not like that type of hunting, so what’s the harm in getting rid of it? Joe’s a “Real” hunter you know. Not like those other guys. He even goes to Sportsman’s organizations and recruits from within, it’s easy because there are a lot of “Real” hunters there.

Time passes and more and more legal forms of hunting are banned. Bob and his “friends” are happy with Joe. He’s been a big help. After it’s all just about gone, Bob and his “friends” decide that it is time to get Joe’s way of hunting banned, the final chapter.
“Bob, uh, hey buddy, this is Joe. I know I helped you get rid of all those other forms of legal hunting, but now there is a move to get rid of the way I hunt.”
“Well Joe, I know. My “friends” and I are spearheading that.”
“But Bob, I thought you liked the way I hunt, that it was ok for me to do the type of hunting I do.”
“Well Joe, no, any and all types of hunting are bad, the poor defenseless animals never have a chance, and we dislike, actually hate hunters.”
“But I thought the way I hunted was “Real” hunting to you.”
“Dang Joe, it was all “ Real” hunting, but we at PETA and HSUS Hate you, but thanks for all your help, we really appreciate it.”

You see, what Joe became was a “Cannibal”. A “Useful Idiot” to the anti’s and PETA. They don’t give a rat’s backside how you hunt, what you hunt, or when you hunt. They just want all hunting done away with. They use hunters against hunters to gain support for their “Causes”.

If you do not support any and all forms of legal hunting, and decide to pick and chose the ones you like and dislike, and voice any decent about the way someone else legally hunts, you are in fact, a “Cannibal” and a very very “Useful Idiot” for the enemy. There are plants even within the sacred walls of your favorite Sportsman’s organizations. Route them out, expose them, and rid the board of them. Hunting’s future depends upon it.
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by Cossack »

There is always going to be the uninformed as - well as the snobs - who insist that what they do is the only way it should be done. Just like religion and politics, I see no point in trying to change their minds.
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Re: anti crossbow remark from a fishing forum

Post by one shot scott »

There's lot of chest thumpers out there. I try to ignore them. They are only trying to make themselves feel good for putting someone else down. That says alot about someone's character. The only times I speak up (like you did) is when they have an audience and they try to spread their stupid around to others. Good work
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