Coffee shop deer talk (old wive's...err...hunter tales?)

Crossbow Hunting

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Coffee shop deer talk (old wive's...err...hunter tales?)

Post by TAC »

This afternoon (since it was raining and I couldn't go out hunting at that time) I was in a local coffee shop and listening to some guys talk about hunting.

It was mostly gun hunting talk but one guy tried to keep an archery discussion going.

He was saying a few things that I was leery about. The other guys, who all seemed to dismiss archery hunting, thought the guy was pulling their legs, etc.

Being a newbie, I didn't pipe up, but the guy's comments left me wondering...

1) A buck will snort multiple times as he runs away after being hit by an arrow. Since you're close, you can hear it. (I'm assuming maybe if it's a lung shot as he's losing breath?)

2) A buck won't bound away as per the norm, but will kind of kick, ala a rodeo horse (seems to me I've read this) when hit by an arrow.

3) 20% of deer hit by an arrow aren't recovered. (Seems kinda high to me and it has obvious conditions attached to that statement).

darkhollowarcher nli


Post by darkhollowarcher nli »

#1 I dont think i ever heard one snort after the arrow hit him
#2 I have seen them kick like a bucking horse after they are hit,but i have also seen them take a few short jumps and stop and look back,
#3 20 % seems high for lost game, if my log book is correct i am at less than 1% and that is still to high.we owe it to our sport and the game we hunt to take only high % shots!!!
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Post by Hi5 »


Deer snort when they are alarmed. That applies to both sexes. They wouldn't necessarily do that when hit by an arrow.

How a deer reacts to an arrow strike will vary depending on where it was hit, and on the individual inclination of the deer. I suspect that the string noise rather than the actual arrow strike causes their main reaction. The arrow strike, if it is a clean pass through, without hitting heavy bone, is such a fast and sudden event.

As to loss percentages, I too suspect that to be high. Nobody could know for certain. No doubt surveys were taken and the numbers enlarged to take into account total licences issued, etc.
"Gun Control Laws"--trying to nag criminals into submission.
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