Crossbow Hunting

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Post by Hi5 »


I just confirmed from a reliable source, that Conservation Officers shot him. He was a menace to traffic. A black blob, laying on black road surface, was eventually going to meet up with a night time driver who was travelling too fast.

That, or someone would get scratched or bitten.

It's sad. The type of human who trained him into becoming a nuisance would likely be the most vocal in attacking the Conservation Officers for shooting that bear.


On my return trip from Winnipeg to The Pas last Tuesday, as I approached the junction of Highways 10 and 60, I noticed a black blob on the lane to my left. As I got closer, it was obvious that this blob was actually a bear. There was no traffic so I slowed nearly to a stop and rolled down the driver’s window. Seeing this, the bear got to his feet and started shuffling his way to the side of my car. He wasn’t doing this in an aggressive fashion, but I was busy fumbling with my cell phone, the steering wheel and the gear shift. Not wanting my car (or me) to get scratched, I drove forward about 30 feet and stopped. Immediately as soon as I started forward, he turned around and resumed lying stretched out on the pavement.
That is when I took the first picture that you see here.
I backed up to where I was abreast of him and I took the subsequent pictures. He was laying there, basking in the sunshine, soaking up the warmth of the pavement.
That is when I hollered at him. “Jack Ass!” I said. “Some son of a she dog is going to shoot you or some Mr. Magoo driver is going to run right over you! Get out of here!” He didn’t budge and if he even moved at all, he just gave his head a little tilt, sort of sideways. You know...the way that your wife does when you are having a really earnest conversation with her, when you are making your absolutely best plea about something, but you know that she is not going to listen to your advice.

So I had to reach for something that would snap him into action. I tried an insult. “Pamper Snacker!” I yelled. “Get out of here! You’re going to be a dead bear!” It doesn’t show in the photos but just as I yelled “Pamper Snacker!”, he licked his lips right from one side of his jaw to the other.

Now, to be fair about it, he seemed to be already in the middle of a yawn so I can’t really say that he was drooling over the thought of a lumpy Pamper when I hollered. The point is that he didn’t leave. I drove away with him relaxing there on the pavement. He was as indifferent to me as I would be if I were stretched out on a beach in Mazatlan in February and some tourists were telling me how much it had snowed at home.

OK, now for the rewards part. The junctions of Highways 10 and 60 is about 50 miles from the nearest settlement. That bear must have been offered food by passing drivers. He seems to be as tame as the neighbours’ St. Bernard and he would make about as worthy a trophy. However, somebody will shoot him...either out of sheer cussedness, or naiveté...or he will be run over, or, somebody will tease him with food and they’ll get scratched or bitten.

He’s a bear walking the Green Mile.

So, I am offering $100 to any person who meets up with him and gives him a face full of pepper spray, prolonged as possible. I’ll even pay that reward each time that they do it. He just MIGHT get trained in time to show him that humans are to be avoided. That is my “junior reward”.

Now for the big one. I’ll give $500 to anyone who videotapes himself pepper-spraying the occupants of a vehicle while they are feeding that bear. In fact, I’ll even double that reward if he tapes them afterwards, in the ditch on their knees, washing their faces with ditch water. I want copyright for the tape or chip, though, because I want to be able to play it over lots for my own enjoyment and be able to share it with others.

Now that I've got that rant out of my system, let's just say that pepper spraying occupants of a vehicle who are feeding that bear would be a criminal offence. Those people may be contemptible, but it would bring on a whole load of trouble to the person doing the spraying. Don't do it. If you share my views on the matter, content yourself with envisioning the scenario I described. That's what I have to do.
Last edited by Hi5 on Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by ihunt »

How about giving me $100 and When it's hunting season I'll shoot him? Lol

Ya you're probably right folks have been feeding him and now he loss his fear of humans.
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Bullzeye »

I just recently lost my job, I wish I lived much closer because I'd be doing everything it takes to take all your money :lol:
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by agingcrossbower »

Maybe the bear is in a state of depression and wants to die. :D Do you have bear suicide helplines out up there?? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Hi5 »

Aging, I don't think that guy is depressed. I think he's pretty well comfortable with his existence. He doesn't have to use his strength or cunning to get food. The whole world loves him, and he's in love with the whole world.

Bullzeye, I'm sorry to hear about your job loss, but I won't pay you for pepper spraying people. In a world with true justice, that would be allowed. Here it would just get us both in trouble. I WILL pay you for spraying the bear, however. The location is west central Manitoba. Better hurry, though, because that bear's activities are getting notorious. To protect motorists from crashing into that bear, the CO's will likely be on the lookout for him and he'll just get shot. What a waste.

ihunt, I have no objection to bear hunting. I just can't think of shooting him as hunting. He seems as tame as my neighbor's dog.

When an outfitter fills up a barrel with food, I suspect that bears coming to that bait think they are outsmarting the humans who are leaving food. Either that, or they think they are stealing from the humans. They sneak in to get food and if they sense human presence at hand, are ready to flee.

That poor dummy that I photographed thinks humans are his friends. That's what I find so offensive. Very likely he will have to be destroyed because he will scratch or bite some one who teases him with food, or, simply because he is a traffic hazard.

Not one bit of it is his fault, though. It's stupid humans.
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Bullzeye »

How much will you pay me to just walk up to him with some treats and put a collar and leash on him and just walk him out of the area lol
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Hi5 »

Walking him out of the area isn't a solution. He'll just do the same thing wherever he goes.

He's kind of like the 35 year old son who won't leave home, won't get a job, won't mow the lawn, and smokes cigarettes and watches TV all day.

You'd pretty much have to take him home with you. You can't own wild game without a permit, so I'll pay the application fee for you, and help you fill out the application.

Deal? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Shotnbeer »

Once a bear learns he doesn't have to fear humans the end result for the bear is not good.
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by hankenhunter »

Sad. These stories never seem to end well. When I was in my teens I worked for the Parks Branch in Manitoba. We got called about a young bear that was begging for food from campers. We went to check it out and sure enough there was a abandoned cub mooching from some campers. A guy that I worked with figured he could catch it and release it after he fattened the little guy up a bit. seeing that he was six feet four inches tall amnd built like a tank, we decided to let him try.(Can you see where this is going? :lol: ) He baited the cub to come closer and when the cub reached for the food, Allen made a grab for him. Holy shiat did the fur fly, and I dont mean the the cubs fur. The cub slapped Allen upside the head and then proceeded to show him what a small bear can do to to the human anatomy. After about twenty seconds of trying to ride the tornado Allen let the little bugger go but the cub wasnt finished yet. It chased him to the truck with full intensions of continuing the battle. :lol: To make a long story short, Allen needed stitches and we had to shoot the cub.
I guess the moral of the story is there is no happy ending when animals lose there fear of people. :(
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Re: Rewards offered

Post by Hi5 »

....and people lose their fear of animals. Everybody loses.
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Post by Hi5 »

I just confirmed from a reliable source, that Conservation Officers shot him. He was a menace to traffic. A black blob, laying on black road surface, was eventually going to meet up with a night time driver who was travelling too fast.

That, or someone would get scratched or bitten.

It's sad. The type of human who trained him into becoming a nuisance would likely be the most vocal in attacking the Conservation Officers for shooting that bear.
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Post by galamb »

Your suggestion of pepper spray made me think of this :)


Micro 340TD, 17" Gold Tip Ballistics (180 gr inserts) - 125 gr Iron Will/VPA/TOTA (504 grains total/21.6% FOC) @ 301 FPS
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