OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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And yet, who do they keep voting for? Unless the last election was a fraud like here in the states, who do you blame?
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Standing up for law-abiding gun owners

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau has lost both sides on gun control

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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A Lawyer Explains Canada's Further Gun Bans (More C-21 Amendments)

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

The stunning fall of the once-promising Marco Mendicino

The public safety minister is a bright and articulate former federal prosecutor who was determined and perhaps destined to be a rising star in the Justin Trudeau cabinet.

Recent antics underline what is becoming a stunning fall from grace for Mendicino as he stumbles and bumbles badly from issue to hot-button issue after just 18 months on the job.

Two-year-old revelations from Canada’s spy agency surfaced Monday which found that respected Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family in Hong Kong had endured Chinese state intimidation after his vote to condemn that country’s atrocious human rights record.

This refusal to answer the what-they-knew and when-they-knew-it question was repeated more than a dozen times Tuesday with Conservative, Bloc Quebecois and NDP MPs lining up as one to demand a clear response while, tellingly, the cheerleading Liberal MPs surrounding Mendicino mostly sat on their hands.

Then came Wednesday. Suddenly the entire Chong script changed.

After days of ignoring specific questions, the prime minister and Mendicino emerged to declare they learned about it on Monday.

Mendicino’s poor handling of this incendiary issue was just another hit on the soundtrack of his very bad year.

He was forced into a pride-swallow Tuesday by diluting his original assault-style firearms ban.

The new ban will only prohibit weapons manufactured in the future or those not even invented yet -- a jaw-dropping retreat for a minister who said banishing all these guns was essential to public safety just last year.

He recently declared that Chinese police stations in Canada had been closed by the RCMP, when they were not.

A two-year-old promise to set up a foreign agent registry in Canada, similar to what exists in the U.S. and other countries, has been spun off by Mendicino for pointless consultations without an end date.

His planned changes to allow crucial humanitarian assistance to flow into Afghanistan, where groups are holding back aid out of fear they’ll run afoul of Canada’s anti-terrorism laws, are moving forward in glacial slow-motion.

And lest we forget the notorious fib when he insisted police forces advised the government to invoke the Emergencies Act against the Ottawa convoy protest, a statement police deny.

There are many other missteps going back to the botched Afghanistan withdrawal when he was immigration minister, but space limits the list.

Sadly, Marco Mendicino’s once-bright future as a credible cabinet influencer has been hobbled by his so-many missteps.

He has clearly got to go.

That’s the bottom line..

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Mass Casualty recommendations wouldn't have stopped N.S. massacre, and won't stop others

The government has renewed its push on Bill C-21, drawing on recommendations in the report by the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC), which had been tasked with investigating the causes of the 2020 mass killing in Nova Scotia. Yet if the commission was aiming to prevent another mass killing, it missed the target.

One recommended measure was identical to the proposed Liberal amendments banning semi-automatic firearms that were added without consultation into Bill C-21 and then removed following widespread opposition, only to be re-added in a slightly altered form earlier this week. Others include limiting the amount and type of ammunition an individual can purchase and store.

These proposed recommendations suffer from the same problems as the rest of the government’s post-2019 firearms policies: they are aimed at the wrong people, ignore Canadian research and would be almost impossible to implement in the Canadian context.

While tragic, mass shootings in Canada are so vanishingly rare, their frequency is actually marginally lower than non-firearm mass homicide rates. The strict vetting process that Canadian gun owners go through to enjoy the privilege of firearms ownership makes them less likely than the general population to commit murder.

Firearms smuggled from the United States are responsible for the overwhelming majority of gun crime in Canada’s major cities and illegal guns have been the weapons of choice for some recent mass murderers, whose violent histories often make getting a gun license impossible.

Policy is about making choices with limited resources. Continuing to pile irrelevant rules on licensed gun owners would be like fixating on a faucet that occasionally drips while ignoring the burst water main flooding your basement.

Canada’s focus should be on putting resources where they will help the most: securing the border, providing mental health support for Canadians and funding evidence-based community programs to divert at-risk youth from gangs. If the government seeks to prioritize public safety, it should not tilt at expensive windmills.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Have gun-control advocates finally had enough of Liberal abuse?

Last week I wrote about potentially serious threats to the federal Liberals’ well-worn schtick on abortion. PolySeSouvient, a gun-control advocacy group representing victims and survivors of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre in Montreal, signalled another potential threat to traditional Liberal campaigning this week: The federal government’s latest gun-control push having collapsed in a heap of incompetence, overreach and cynicism — never forget the Liberals saw political gain to be had in the April 2020 Central Nova Scotia massacre — PolySeSouvient declared that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would no longer be welcome at Polytechnique memorials.

Canada’s modern Conservatives certainly aren’t anti-gun control. Their advocacy for law-abiding gun owners usually takes the form of rolling back what they see as overreaching Liberal rules and regulations — almost all of which are nibbling around the edges, and that’s where most of this debate occurs nowadays. (Public safety does not hinge on how you can transport a weapon from A to B, for example.)

Marco Mendicino, the most useless public safety minister since his useless predecessor Bill Blair, tried to play gun-control advocates off each other, noting that Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns and the Coalition for Gun Control both support the new proposed amendments. (So what’s wrong with you, PolySeSoouvient?) He said the new proposals came from the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission’s recommendations, which is not true: That report suggested banning all weapons meeting a certain standard, not just ones invented in future.

Deny Trudeau his symbolic gestures, events and photo ops, and you hit him where it hurts. If the Liberals don’t have those, they don’t have much of anything. And it would be about bloody time.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

The CCFR Presents - Broken Trust (Documentary)

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Three years after Trudeau's gun ban, nothing has changed

In the three years since his ban, Trudeau hasn't passed a single piece of gun control legislation or taken guns away from civilians.

It was three years ago that Justin Trudeau announced he was keeping Canadians safe by banning “military-grade assault weapons” for civilians. Strangely, three years after that promise, those guns he deemed too dangerous for civilian ownership are still sitting in the basements and gun safes of your neighbours.

We are no closer to the government launching the “buyback” they promised at the time, and that likely suits Trudeau. He’s not interested in public safety; he’s interested in using guns as a political weapon to win elections.

That may sound harsh but consider the facts. Whenever the Trudeau Liberals are in trouble, whenever they want good headlines, gun control is one of the issues they return to.

They may make announcements, they make promises, they hold photo-ops, and they accomplish precious little.

On May 1, 2020, they banned the so-called “military-grade assault weapons” using an order-in-council (OIC) — a kind of executive order passed by cabinet — but it’s not backed up by legislation. That OIC was the subject of a court challenge last month that has a good chance of winning, even according to the government’s own lawyers.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

The Bill C 21 Amendments which were forced to be pulled were subsequently reinvented and stuffed back into this handgun bill.

Topping that, the liberals have gone into full roar RUSH mode to get the bill passed asap and off to the Senate.


Typical... :roll:
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

"Determining the legal effects of a law involves considering how the law will operate and how it will affect Canadians. "

"The Attorney General of Alberta states that the law [C-68] will not actually achieve its purpose.

Where the legislative scheme is relevant to a criminal law purpose, he says, it will be ineffective (e.g., criminals will not register their guns); where it is effective it will not advance the fight against crime (e.g., burdening rural farmers with pointless red tape).

These are concerns that were properly directed to and considered by Parliament.

Within its constitutional sphere, Parliament is the judge of whether a measure is likely to achieve its intended purposes; efficaciousness is not relevant to the Court."

-- Supreme Court of Canada (2000 SCC 31), Firearms Act Reference 2000

Parliament can decide what is reasonable. There are checks and balances that when used properly at least bring the problems to light. Committees are supposed to figure out if a law will do its intended purpose or if it needs tweaking or to be scrapped.

If the House has a majority, a balanced Senate is supposed to figure out if a law will do its intended purpose or if it needs tweaking or to be scrapped.

Checks and balances.

Trudeau has been abusing checks and balances almost every month. From Ethics to OICs to Liberal Convention to ...

The original post link shows tomorrow's abuse of checks and balances


Trudeau is changing the rules that the courts depend upon, for Bill C-21:

a) requiring the committee to rewrite an existing Bill beyond its original scope. Meaning it skips second reading debate and time for the public to digest/comment.

b) requiring the committee to have maximum 20 minutes to debate any change.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Liberal Motion Seeks to Limit C-21 Debate

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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'Nuclear option': Conservatives decry Liberal move to limit debate on gun bill

The federal government is trying to limit how much time MPs have left to consider changes and debate the Liberal gun control legislation Bill C-21.

Through what's known as a programming motion, the Liberals are trying to set in stone the House of Commons' plans related to this bill before voting to send it to the Senate, including issuing marching orders regarding the bill's scope and outstanding amendments to the committee currently studying it.

This move from Government House Leader Mark Holland, on a piece of legislation that has now been before the House for almost a year, comes just one week after Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino put forward a series of revised amendments that seek to significantly expand the range of proposed gun control measures in the bill.

During a meeting last week, opposition MPs on the committee raised questions around whether they had the ability to, and what would happen if they passed the Liberal amendments and in effect expanded the scope of the bill considerably from what the House of Commons had signed off on when it passed the bill at second reading last June.

Defending moving to stitch in other firearm policies into Bill C-21 alongside accompanying regulatory plans, Mendicino has said the Liberals are committed to go further “than any government in the history of this country,” when it comes to gun control.

Questioning why the Liberals are feeling the urgency now after letting months go by with no movement on Bill C-21, Bloc Quebecois MP and vice-chair of the Public Safety and National Security Committee Kristina Michaud said this move shows the Liberals are "incapable of working together."

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Liberal-NDP Coalition KILLS DEBATE on C-21, will RAM gun control bill through House

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