OT Why did I even vote?

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Post by Spring »

Shakky. You're right. In your case you must feel like the victim of a drive-by shooting.

From my tone above you can tell I get alittle ticked with those who the best they can do is complain. On a forum like this its kinda like preaching to the converted. What they need to do is to give the 3,000 psi finger to whoever it is that can actually fix the problem.

Saying they are all crooks, or there is nothing we can do just doesn't cut it with me. Like I said, that sort of whining or waiting for someone else to kiss it better puts us no further ahead at the end of the day. Holding people accountable by getting involved cuts it with me. That will put us further ahead.

Last election in my riding we had a choice, re-elect a sitting Cabinet Minister or gamble on a 24 year old unknown. We sent the Cabinet Minister packing. Smartest thing we ever did. BTB The 24 year old is working out fine thank you.

Mighty Mooser
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Post by Mighty Mooser »

I feel your Western Frustration, and Quebecs frustration, I wish Ontario would start a revolution to seperate, and those Liberals bugers would sure kiss ass then!!!
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Post by Woodsman »

I guess that's it in a nutshell. Vote for the conservatives and divide up the country (the present conservatives leading the party are nothing more than redneck reformers in disguise - separatists of the west) or vote for the corrupt liberals and continue to get "underhanded deals" and money spent like it grows on trees.

Tough decision for the average undecided voter. I'll take a little corruption over a divided country any day!

If the conservatives want to lead this country, they'll have to rid themselves of Harper. The best Harper could achieve is a minority governement with nobody's support...certainly not the Block's...nor the Liberals...nor the socialist NDP! What turmoil it would be if Harper did get in! We'd be back at the ballot box in a few months again! All the while with the Block saying Canada doesn't work!!!!

Ahhh! What a country we live in! :roll: We all love it and yet our political landscape is a freaken mess! :lol:

The great outdoors is where I want to be.

Post by brayhaven »

Woodsman wrote: Ahhh! What a country we live in! :roll: We all love it and yet our political landscape is a freaken mess! :lol:
Yep, always makes me chuckle when one of my canadian friends criticizes US politics :lol:
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Post by Hi5 »

[quote="Woodsman"]I guess that's it in a nutshell. Vote for the conservatives and divide up the country (the present conservatives leading the party are nothing more than redneck reformers in disguise - separatists of the west) or vote for the corrupt liberals and continue to get "underhanded deals" and money spent like it grows on trees.......quote]

I disagree.

The people in Quebec are so angry with the Liberals that they are willing to vote for a separatist party.

If the rest of Canada puts the Liberals back in power, isn't that a bit like saying to a rape victim that she should try to get to know her attacker, maybe she could get to like him?

The problem is that federalism and Liberalism are being tied together by Quebecers.

We NEED to offer them some other, ANY other, alternative to the Liberals. Putting the Liberals back into power is adding a fresh insult to the people of Quebec.
"Gun Control Laws"--trying to nag criminals into submission.
Mighty Mooser
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Post by Mighty Mooser »

Harper Has to get busting his ass in Quebec, and offer an alternative. He also must do the same in Ontario or he his done. The first glimer I seen out of him was after the vote tonight, when he spoke to Quebecers, and actually came across as someone who cares. It was somewhat of an Ironic vote tonight, I believe an election now would have put the Libs back in now, and waiting till after Gomery will seal their fate, so this may have worked for the Conservatives the best.
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Post by Woodsman »

Hi5! I agree with what you are saying. Except the "rape" part. It's not the whole liberal party that is corrupt (although Conservatives and Blockists will disagree). Quebecers are angry at the scandal and the image it projects to others about being a Quebecer. By going Block they are showing their complete disapproval and association with this scandal. Don't forget Chretien was generally hated by most french Quebecers and they are angry at Chretien and his cronies. It's affected the whole liberal party. HENCE, the support for the Block/separatists/socialists....but only because who else can they vote for? Harper just isn't an alternative for them...and never will be.

I think in time, if there is enough, it will show that Martin and his folk had nothing to do with the scandal. Whether it will ever reflect in support for him, who knows?

Harper just cannot get enough support to rule. He would be lucky to win a minority government. I am not a liberal nor a conservative (and certainly not a Block). Until the conservatives get a true national leader, one that can sway Ontario, they'll never be a winning alternative. To do this conservatives will have to change their policies/beliefs on gays, abortion, immigrants, and other social concerns. In other words, "Loose the white hoods! "

To be fiscally conservative is one thing. To be socially conservative on is quite the other...and there lies the problem with the rednecks from the west. That's why Belinda Stronach left.

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Post by Stalker »

"I think in time, if there is enough, it will show that Martin and his folk had nothing to do with the scandal. Whether it will ever reflect in support for him, who knows?"......... ?????

The guy was the finance minister during the scandal !!!!!!......... do you HONESTLY believe he had nothing to do with it ?????...... only choices here are he knew, he participated and he lied.... or.... he really didn't know about it and that makes him a completely incompetent dolt who doesn't know his job.........

and to Spring......... "Stop yer bellyachin' and join a party, any party. This missive is directed at anyone who does not belong to a political party. ".........

if it works for you "great" but I've "been in the game" as you put it and after seeing the "game".... I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid any more......... you want truth in politics.... follow the money.........
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Post by Shakky »

Belinda Stronach didn't leave the Conservative Party because she had a problem with the social conservative views of the party. She left because she realized that Harper can't win an election and so she jumped ship. Notice she didn't declare herself an independent or sit as a Liberal backbencher. No she waited until Martin needed her the most and then sold out to get a Cabinet position. The worst part about it is Canada needs an alternative to the Liberals and B.S. could have helped rebuild the Conservative party but instead she betrayed them.
Stalker, to add to your point about Martin I believe his riding is in Montreal. So he is a member of the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party and I agree with you if he didn't know what was going on he is as dumb as a post.

Time to get back to hunting I still haven't got myself a Turkey and I'm running out of time.
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Post by Partikle »

Shakky wrote: No she waited until Martin needed her the most and then sold out to get a Cabinet position.
Bingo. She is just looking out for herself!!! B.S. is full of B.S.
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Post by rtcdir »

POLE AXE your comment about the religious right is nearly the stupidest thing I have heard on this forum. I agree the religious right does not have their politics right but like the Taliban, you're nuts.
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Post by Don »

I don't usually get into political debates but this one I am gonna jump in.

The only one that should be gitting the blame here is the REFORM leader oops excuse me they are calling themselves the Conservatives today. That was stupid enough a week before a crucial vote to tell Belinda Strohnack or however you spell her name that she had no future in his party and he would hold her personally responsible if the vote was lost.
Well it's all his bloody fault now because he couldn't keep his stinkin' mouth shut for one more week.

To quote Homer Simpson, DOOOH!!!!

Don :lol:
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Post by Woodsman »

She left the party because of the western rednecks and their views. (I'm sure she was hungry for power too...then again most aspiring politicians are.) After seeing these rednecks in action for a while, she knew it would take a lifetime to bring them "center" enough to win. That's what you get for marrying conservatives with reform. Harper's turn at leader looks like it is going to be short lived. I wonder when Peter MacKay's turn is coming?

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Post by Stalker »

Woodsman...... given that the majority of the conservatives seats came from the west it is safe to say that the people in the western provinces support them over all the other party choices..... and they might not appreciate the "western redneck" label because since they do support them they must be (by association) rednecks themselves... right.....
it's obvious that you prefer the liberals given that your previous posts tried to excuse Martin... :roll: ...... and propose that a conservative vote will seperate the country...... what you might want to consider is that Quebec doesn't want the liberals and the west doesn't want the liberals either so maybe... really... a vote FOR the liberals is closer to affronting the geographic majority of the country...... and if you look at the popular vote polls the liberals have a percentile in the low 30's..... that means 2/3 of the voters don't want them either....... :roll:
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According to Woodsman's logic,you might be a Redneck if:

-you believe Martin and Chretian are guiltyin the sponsorship scandal.

-you think the gun registry is a gross waste of money.

-you think Martin does not give a crap about western Canada.

-you believe that most of eastern Canada thinks that corruption is a normal part of running the federal govt.
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