O/T The new five dollar bill

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by dick195252 »

Well i Did Not VOTE for this IDIOT President but he got reelected some how :evil: :twisted: :x
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Post by Farmer »

Fuel prices will continue to rise and so will fuel . the sad part is now I am reading is that people are worried that the rising prices of grain/corn and soybeans etc will cause food riots and wars .

The sad fact is that grain prices have been kept artificially low. Up until recently ago I would be lucky to get $7.00 /bushel for Soybeans . That is the same price I was paid in 1980 when my operating costs were significantly lower . Filling my 140hp tractor is now a major investment 100 imp/gal ( 0r 450 litres ) at $ 1.15 per liter . Nitrogen fertilizer at $ 800 /mtonne , map to hit $ 1000/mTonne .

The middle men are making a killing . Who knows where this will end :(
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

You're right, Farmer ... and it affects us all.

I can't even think about asking the guy who's been farming this land for more lease money, because I know he's strapped by operating costs ... even though the price-per-acre has been the same since 1998. That certainly doesn't match all the cost-of-living increases I've experienced, and should not have remained fixed ... but I won't ask him for more. He's a friend, and I know he doesn't have it. How could he, when it costs so much to get seed into the ground and harvest the increase?

It's going to get worse before it gets better, we can bet on that.
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Post by LV2HNT »

My girlfriend works at a farm and the guy there who does the planting told them about a ship full of peletized fertilizer that was almost here when it got turned around and sent to China because they offered to pay three times the amount it was going to get here. The guy is predicting some major problems in the future with crop production. I hope you guys can make it through this for everyones sake.
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Post by dnepr »

It is $1.23 a litre here. they are predicting that it will go to $1.50 a litre this summer. I will be using my mountain bike and my little honda on/off this summer, the truck will be parked until hunting season. I am sure it will affect the price of everything.
Bow Life
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Post by Bow Life »


This song says it all. "Its the only thing i know and love", gotta feel bad for these guys, raised on the land, taking over family farms and struggling to make ends meet.

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Post by GREY OWL »

Quit complaining, we sit on the second largest oil and gas reserves in the world, and were forking out $4.64 US or $5.58 Can. a gallon.

The only bright spot is that our province is raking in the millions. Only wish I could get a part of it.

Grey Owl
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