O/T Stressful Day - Updated: Please never drink, and drive.

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O/T Stressful Day - Updated: Please never drink, and drive.

Post by Rage_A_Holic »

A close friend of mine has not been showing up to classes recently, nor has she been returning any of my phone calls. This is not like her at all, seeing as she never misses classes, and always gives me a call at some point during the night. Which got me a little worried, but no need for immediate concern.

Until late last night, her Boyfriend called me to let me know she was recently in a very serious car accident. she has a serious concussion, 4 broken ribs, a broken sternum, 4 fractured vertebrae, and a punctured/collapsed lung. I didn't sleep much last night, but spoke with her early this morning.

She is having great difficulties breathing/talking, but managed to get out that there is no paralysis yet. Apparently the fractured vertebrae are stable, but where the fractures are, they are hard to immobilize. the doctors are still worried that inflammation, or future movements may still cause damage to her spinal column.

I am trying to get into the hospital to visit her, but she is still in the trauma unit, and cannot take visitors who are not family.

Sorry to bring it up; but I feel I need to tell people. Thanks for listening guys.
Last edited by Rage_A_Holic on Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DoDFire »

Sorry to hear that,,,, Thoughts and Prayers sent
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Post by Esox »

Keeping your friend and you in Prayers and positive thoughts ...Take care of your friends ....They're very valuable.... She's young, strong and has loved ones pulling for her.... Be there for support of her family... They'll need you more than they know....

please keep us posted....
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

We'll be praying for your friend, Rage. :D
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Post by Golden Eagle »

Prayers to you and your friend.
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Post by saxman »

The Johnson family will pray for all.

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Post by hikerman »

Keep positive!
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Post by Normous »

Sorry to hear of her accident and injuries.
Hope she recovers soon.
Last edited by Normous on Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rage_A_Holic »

I convinced the nice hospital staff to let me see her. and now I have most of the story.

We are in an Athletic Therapy Program; and therefore are learning to deal with sport related injuries. this year we were all alloted a high school football team to watch over. her team was to play in Hamilton at Ivor Wynne Wednesday. Apparently after the game; her coach took her and the team out for wings and beer to celebrate the end of the season. After having a few too many drinks he drove her home.

on the way back; he collided with a tree on a rural street. she was wearing a seatbelt; but slipped out, and was ejected from the car. newer X-Rays revealed 6 broken ribs, and 6 broken vertebrae (1 of which was crushed), a broken sternum, and a collapsed right lung. When she hit the pavement; she went unconscious. The drunk driver; was too afraid to call an ambulance for fear of receiving a DUI charge. so he called a friend, who sped to the scene of the accident. they picked up her unconscious, and broken body, put her in the friends car, and drove her unconscious to an emergency hospital in Hamilton. on route she woke up; and therefore when the got to the hospital; THEY MADE HER WALK HERSELF INTO THE HOSPITAL.

they drove off; and returned once the driver sobered up.

Tonight when I saw her; she had tubes coming out of her chest to keep her lung inflated, and an ECG machine monitoring her heart since the sternum has been excessively damaged. She is in a head/neck brace, immobilizing her neck to prevent any damage. The new prediction is she will need surgery to correct the vertebrae, but paralysis has more than likely been ruled out. Talking with her tonight was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I can't believe the carelessness of the cowards that dropped her off like a sack of meat. especially considering he is the head coach of a high school football team; with a CPR background.

We are all wishing her the best of luck in her recovery. Thank you all for your thoughts, and prayers.

Please remember NEVER to drink and drive, or get into a car with a drunk driver. The pain associated with dealing with an injured (or worse) friend or family member, is awful. please remember to arrange for DD's, or take public transportation, or a cab.
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Post by VixChix »

Prayers for your friend and the road to recovery that lies ahead of her!

I have far too many people in my life that lost family members to drunk drivers.
Very few things make me as angry.
NO amount of drinking is acceptable if you're going to be driving.
Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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Post by Skarek »

Everyone should try to park their car drunk (in an area where there are not that much room and noone to get hurt). Then you understand why you should not drink & drive...

I tried this after a friend (who had borrowed it) left it running on the street and headed off. I wasn't that drunk at all (maybe 2-3 bears), but still there was a clear dealy between thought "now you should break" and the actul breaking taking place. This was very freaky and i almost ended up entering a ditch. Even when you're not that drunk, the reaction time is seriously increased...

What are the limits of alcohol in the blood in the states? In Sweden it is 0,002 %, which in reallity means one bear and you are not allowed to drive. This I think is good, becasue it is easy to loose count of drunken bears and you don't always feel drunk, but you have already lost your ability to drive safely...

I hope your friend recovers and I really hope that vertebra heals as it should.
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

What a shame that it happened that way, Rage! :cry:

No amount of anxiety over the accident or it's circumstance will help your friend now, but your good attitude and unwavering support will. This is your time to shine by being there for her. She'll need friends like you to keep her spirits up during recovery ... sounds like you're just the man.

Your admonition to never drink and drive is a positive thing. You're right to warn us against it. To drink and drive is to court death.

Thanks, Rage. Hang in there. :D
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Post by Rage_A_Holic »

Thanks everyone.

We have a top ranked injury rehabilitation clinic at our school. in fact; we have to clock 800 hours there before we graduate, and have already clocked quiet a few. So the Athletic Therapists that run the clinic know her pretty well, and will take excellent care of her.

It's Ironic that we have been studying spinal fractures this week; and the importance of immobilization.

We have also been learning in lab ways to test if an athlete with a suspected spinal has impaired sensory sensation/motor movements. and Ironically the nurses come into her room a few times a day; and run the exact same test.

Also Ironically; Last week she had a player who broke their ankle severely; and an ambulance was called. As she was regaining mental alertness; and once the hospital learned what program she was in; asked if she heard about the fractured ankle one of our class mates had to deal with. She explained to the staff that she was the one who treated the injury, and called EMS.
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Post by wildwindom »

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Post by Boo »

Rage, sorry to hear about your troubles and my condolences to your friend. I certainly hope for a speedy recovery!
That story makes me sick! What it wrong with some people these days???? Is there no responsibility taken anymore? Man that "coach" should have his ass kicked in front of his mother that did not bring him up correctly. Everyone should know his name and everyone should know what he did. This man has no shame! He has taken away part of this woman's life and is hiding, what a coward!
Rage, I wish I could say something to make you feel better but the only thing that will help is time. Take it easy and I know you will be there for your friend.
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