Say fairwell to the dancing girl!

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by DesertRat »

I do not think "whiners" had anything to do with managements request for you to remove your avatar
Well, you would be incorrect in this case. The avatar was fine until a select few whined to Excal about it. I was asked to remove it because there had been some complaints. That is fine, Peter asked and I took it down when I received his PM. No fight, no bitterness it was simply removed.

I still think it is sad because she was no more offensive than the TV at any time of the day. That said, there will always be someone bitching and whinning about something and unfortuntely, these people were able to make a big enough deal out of it that Excal felt that needed to politely ask for me to change it.

As for this being a dictatorship, it may technically fit the definition but they allow alot to happen on this forum that many other companies wouldn't dream of. I had this argument a few years ago with a couple of squareheads who were crying "censorship" because they were asked to remove certain material. The fact is, Excal allows people to sell new/used ANYTHING here, including crossbows on their site ( some not even excal). Can you show me another archery manufacturer out there that allows that? Not bloody likely. We are lucky to have such understanding moderators that they allow what could possibly be revenue stealing deals to take place on their site. I think it shows the depth of the company and it's ability to sell products and have the confidence that a few deals on the side won't hurt their business and may even help it in some way shape or form. The fact is, the public can come on a read this forum at any time and if it becomes a black mark on Excals reputation, they would be forced to either moderate the hell out of it or shut it down. Either way, that would be a losing deal for us. Dictatorship sounds so ugly. We have a great forum and are allowed an unequaled amount of freedom here.

It is just too bad that a couple of soft skinned Liberal types had to take away what was pretty much an forum Icon (face it, everyone knew the dancing girl)!
Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

DesertRat wrote: Well, you would be incorrect in this case.
I still don't think so. Even if there were complaints I do not think that is what drove the ultimate decision. Let's say someone complains about bloody pictures of taken game and also about pictures with guys having a shot of booze to celebrate. I think Peter would tell the complainers to pound salt. The complaints brought the avatar to the forefront. I still contend the decision for its removal was based more on business then any moral issue. Did the complaints influence the decision? I do not know. But I do know that it is the dollar that rules. And ultimately, that is also what decides.

DesertRat wrote:

As for this being a dictatorship, it may technically fit the definition but they allow alot to happen on this forum that many other companies wouldn't dream of!
Yes they do, as I said, they are most benevolent and benign. But lets give that theory a little test with what is to follow.

It is just too bad that a couple of soft skinned Liberal types had to take away what was pretty much an forum Icon (face it, everyone knew the dancing girl)!
In matters of SPAM I have always found Liberal types to be somewhat more tolerant then right wing Bible belt conservatives. Soft skinned yes, but very boob friendly. And even from the desolate arid wasteland of the Edwards Plateau where I grew up, SPAM are as American as baseball and apple pie. (Couldn't throw mom in that statement, that would be un-American as we are talking SPAM. Only other guy's moms have SPAM as we all know.)

I did a search here on the forum for SPAM. It gave me twelve hits. Twelve threads that contain SPAM! Some were obvious like "Woman with Largest SPAM." Some I just couldn't see the connection like the one titled "STS Installation Question." How in the world did SPAM come up while installing the STS system? Who would have thunk? Well, there are two of them and if you turn your bow just right at sunset I suppose you could.........well, enough of my speculation.

Anyway, as it turns out, we are a pretty boob friendly forum. And we certainly have our share of them.

So as one boob to another Desert Rat, I still think it came down to business.

Oh, and if you look real close at the camouflage paintjob R.J. did on his first Vixen, you can see a nipple right behind the trigger guard! Peter, you might want to look into that.

And as long as we are investigating "nipplegate" I would like to submit the following once again into evidence and suggest excalibur look at cleaning up their own house as well.
Last edited by Mike P on Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by fogducker »

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that sucks :cry: ..
can you send me link to it :D i can see what every one is talking about :lol:
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Post by Mike P »

Fogducker, it all started with Woody's organ.

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Post by fogducker »

Mike P wrote:Fogducker, it all started with Woody's organ.

oh no :? not the wooden organ ordeal again :lol:
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Post by mikej »

for the record i would like to add that i do not agree with the politically correct nonsense and it didn't offend me in any way i liked it. but the fact is that there are kids that view this forum and i agree with mikep i think business representation had something to do with it as well. in the end no matter what caused it , it is peter and excals decision and i support them in it
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Post by DesertRat »

The complaints brought the avatar to the forefront. I still contend the decision for its removal was based more on business then any moral issue. Did the complaints influence the decision?
To answer your last line. Yes, 100%!

Now we are getting into an argument about "language". Just to be clear, I never said it was removed due to a moral issue. I understand that it was a business issue. The fact still remains that it was fine and had been seen by Excal moderators for years with no problem. It wasn't until someone complained that I was asked to remove it. Wether the reason be moral or business matters not. Excall received complaints and asked me to remove it. I would suggest that had the whiners not PMd/called or whatever they did to contact Excal and complain, the avatar would still be there for us to enjoy today.

THIS time, the issue was SPAM. You mentioned that Pete might tell them to pound salt if it were over a bloody picture or a picture involving booze. Don't be so sure. Yes my SPAM were just bouncing and having fun with no apparant connection to hunting. Maybe a recovering alcoholic will be the next one to complain about booze in a picture? Who knows. Are you going to tell me that booze and hunting go hand in hand better than SPAM and hunting? When was the last time SPAM caused a hunting accident? I bet alcohol has been involved in more than SPAM have (I could be wrong).

Anyhow, I am not happy that they had to be removed. They got a lot of comments and laughs out of people. Maybe the real reason I am unhappy with the request to remove them is that I am still a little bit of a caveman and to me hunting has always been dominated by men and I had a misconceived notion that on this sight we could talk huntin,fishin and maybe have the odd sexy (not X-rated) picture of a woman without being hounded about it. I certainly would not have been offended if any of the women had a Fabbio avatar and if I was, I would have laughed and ignored it.

Oh well. To all those that enjoyed her, I hope she made you laugh or broght a silly smile to your face. To those that complained, have a drink and maybe not take the world so seriously!!!
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Post by ecoaster »

Desert Rat,

I always thought that was you :shock: . Good thing I deleted my post of proposition :lol: :lol: :lol: .
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Post by DesertRat »

Trust me, she was much prettier than I!
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Post by ecoaster »

I hunt for memories, the meat's a bonus!
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Post by ComfyBear »

Toronto's current council is a bunch of Liberal, knee-jerk pansies that can't control the crime in their city so they target the law abiding gun owners as a placebo for the uneducated masses! David Miller is anti-gun and anti- airplane. I can't think of any two more reasons to hate a guy!
You're correct on all counts but ONE. Miller and his cronies are defintitely NOT Liberals, but rather NDP, who are a socialist and ignorant of reality bunch of good for nothings who have destroyed a once proud and vibrated city.
Micro Axe 340, Matrix 380, Matrix 355, Matrix 350, Exocet 200
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Post by DesertRat »

It's an easy mistake to make. They both make me sick!
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Post by Normous »

Mike P wrote:
I would like to submit the following once again into evidence and suggest excalibur look at cleaning up their own house as well.

No wonder I had a hard time removing the limb bolts. Excalibur has bodybuilders assembling them.
EXCALFFLICTION 1991 ->>----------> 2024
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Post by The Butcher »

:cry: I miss her already![/u]
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Post by DesertRat »

LOL, maybe it is time for a forum protest or hunger strike to get her back :lol:
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