scentlok-does it work?

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bait pile willie
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scentlok-does it work?

Post by bait pile willie »

been reading articles lately written by engineers that carbon suits cannot be reactivated in a clothes dryer because it cannot get hot enough.watched a video on another site where a guy with scentlok head to toe waled about 3 mile to a treestand and a few hours later a man with a tracking hound follwed his trail right to the tree with no problem .make you wonder.I have a pullover and pants,thank goodness i bought them at sale prices.apparently there are some class action suits in some states against scentllok,anyboby have knowledge of this or thoughts on this?
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Post by BigDogKahuna »

I think all they can do is help and are not the single answer. Having the wind to your advanage is still necessary among other things and being in the right stand or place at the right time does not hurt either.

I have not heard of any law suits but that does not mean there is one out there.
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Post by Boo »

What was it that PT Barnum said?
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Post by crazyfarmer »

pretty sure a tracking hound could find anything no matter what you are covered in :P

does it work.. yes.. to what level, who knows :P it helps.. nothing will get rid of all of your scent. Scent exits around your eyes, fingers, etc etc... only way to get rid of scent is to hunt in a bubble :P
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Post by DirtyGun »

Regarding Scent your money.

Rudimentary science proves that the claims the company is making are false. In fact, if they have found a method to re-activate carbon by using your common household clothes-dryer, they should be in the carbon re-activation business and become the world's most powerful company behind Microsoft.

I'm not going to sum it all up...this site does it best:

If it makes you feel good to wear it...that's great. But, science doesn't lie.

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Post by lscha »

crazyfarmer wrote:pretty sure a tracking hound could find anything no matter what you are covered in :P

does it work.. yes.. to what level, who knows :P it helps.. nothing will get rid of all of your scent. Scent exits around your eyes, fingers, etc etc... only way to get rid of scent is to hunt in a bubble :P
Bubble Hunting!! One of the forum members should be able to invent something like that! :lol: :lol:
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Post by crazyfarmer »

lscha wrote:
crazyfarmer wrote:pretty sure a tracking hound could find anything no matter what you are covered in :P

does it work.. yes.. to what level, who knows :P it helps.. nothing will get rid of all of your scent. Scent exits around your eyes, fingers, etc etc... only way to get rid of scent is to hunt in a bubble :P
Bubble Hunting!! One of the forum members should be able to invent something like that! :lol: :lol:
LMAO... camo bubbles :D

I like the scent lok stuff because its confortable to wear. Its silent and soft;) As for bagging seperate and all then other stuff.. i dont do any of that. I just through my jacket and pants on over my other clothes.. put on rubber boots that are in the back of my truck. Spray down with scent away and head to the stand. 98% of the time, nothing has winded me :D

my brother in law is big in the soaps and washes... yet he gets winded pretty often LOL... Ive just accepted that you arent going to outsmart a huge buck when he's downwind. So why waste the cash on washes and wipes :P The sent away gum was a trip LOL.. next will be toothpaste and toilet paper :P
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Post by Undertaker »

Scentlok may indeed contain some of the odors eminating from your skin. It may also absorb some smells eminating from flatulence, but only when the offensive gas is reasonable in nature. But remember, that you breathe whilest you hunt. And if you are a meateater, deer will smell meateater type molecules floating around the stand site.

I have always thought that tree stands don't really defeat a deer's eyes, just his nose. The height allows the winds to carry the scents, that are DEFINTELY radiating off you, further down range.

Even if you could become the Invisible Man, your odor would allow deer to locate you. Cover scents don't really cover anything either. They only fool the human nose.

Careful preparation of clothing gives an edge. No regular detergent, the ones that contain scents..... but more importantly UV brighteners. Bagging clothing so that smells don't accumulate from the car and house and gas station, will make a big difference. Hanging clothes outside, and keeping them away from the dogs, will also help. Don't let the pooch rub against you. Rubber boots also contain smells from your feet, but can also carry smells they encounter along the way.

Isolation of all equipment is best, but hard to master. Contamination control is measured in degrees of effort you wish to expend. You should at least attempt to conceal your odor, like you do your shape with camo, but it isn't always necessary either.

Scentlok may indeed work, but like all things, it is limited in what it can do.

Hunt downwind, sit still, and spend your money on new arrows and a BOO string. :lol:

OH....almost forgot. Become a vegetarian for one month prior to hunting and you will reep the rewards. Deer don't fear vegetarians. Old indian trick. I like to hang my clothes in my brother's horse barn and then wash them, hang dry away from the house, then bag them, then adorn them afield. But...I still hunt downwind, cause there ain't but so much salad a man can eat.
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Post by Mike P »

I have been very verbal over the past several years and have written many times on this forum my position on scent blocking clothing.

This section of the industry, and it is huge, relies totally on the Gillette theory of marketing. The male consumer will buy anything they think will give them a better shave, lower their golf handicap or help them bag a big old whitetail buck.

The fact that the folks at scent lok use gestapo tactics to intimidate competitors is not surprising. We are talking millions and millions of dollars here so ruthless behavior is the norm, not the exception.

I now try to only buy camo clothing that is comfortable, warm and usually, on sale.

I think it is more important to look at camo clothing more from a pattern viewpoint then a scent controlling viewpoint. Manufacturers of camo clothing are making camo patterns to fool you the consumer, not the eyes of a whitetail. Hence, new camo patterns emerge every year and we are told they are the most effective camo ever produced.

I now subscribe to a philosophy that most camo patterns are way to small in contrasting design. The patterns are so small and dense that from a distance you appear as one dark image. I believe that much larger camo patterns break up your outline a great deal better then the small patterns.

And now I will go on record as saying I like ASAT (all season all terrain) camo along with skyline apparition. I like them because the patterns are large and break up my outline.

Save all your money and buy a wind direction indicator, or better yet, find yourself a milk weed plant that is about to burst and harvest all the little seed pods. They float on the slightest wind and are easy to see. It is what I use to check the wind and I have been doing it this way for years.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

Mike, about the sales.. you can get the scent lok products for about 25-75% off after season. I bought my savannah XLT jacket and pants for 45 bucks. Normally just the pants are 99 and the jackets 149? Talk about comfortable and lightweight!

Try to be early before season and after season... heck, just a facemask now is 29bucks! A good pair of lightweight scent lok gloves are 29.99 also :!:

I did pick up a scent blocker cap and pair of gloves last week.. couldnt wait since I needed them now. 40 bucks for 2 items
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Post by Hoss »

scent-lok ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha..
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Post by crazyfarmer »

something else.. when i hunt, I want the best clothes in the woods. If buying scent lok gets me .9 seconds longer for that shot then its worth it :P :D
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Post by Rich »

I think it's funny when watching the hunting shows that promote "scent-loc" type clothing, when the host say "we just got winded" or "I had to shoot before he circled down wind". Doesn't do much for product endorsement.

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Post by crazyfarmer »

Rich wrote:I think it's funny when watching the hunting shows that promote "scent-loc" type clothing, when the host say "we just got winded" or "I had to shoot before he circled down wind". Doesn't do much for product endorsement.

LOL.. not to mention they are up 28ft also :P
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Post by huntone »

No scent-loc for me. Rather hunt from inside the bubble. :lol: :lol:

I put all clothes and gear in 50gal. containers with a scent waffer and tie a thread on the end of my rifle or bow for checking wind.

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