My Best Bud

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Big John
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My Best Bud

Post by Big John »

Tomorrow will be a Very Sad day around my house. I have to put my Best Friend down. I will definetely need my spray. And I will need to dig deep to do it. My Girls are already at bottom. :cry: :cry: I cant stand Women crying! Kill's me!! I have had ten good years with my Bud J.T. Always wanted to act like a puppy. :lol: Sometimes we are thrown a curve ball, including animals, and sometimes you cant hit it. This time cancer has him, and he is done. He could get Grouse for me like no other, swim like a Dolphin, and guarded my house like a Serviceman. I LOVE Him Dearly!! :cry: So I thought I would give him a Tribute with my Friends here, and he will carry on in cyberspace as well as where he is going.
He used to LOVE going to the Cottage, chasing animals, including Bears, and climbing up on my lap. :)
One of his favorite things to do was grab hold of a dock or launch or log with his claws, and launch himself as far as he could into the water, then swim around out there until he felt like coming back, shake, and repeat, over and over!!! :) God I'm gonna miss Him. :cry:
When I meet up with him one day, I will go with him to the nearest Dock and launch myself into the water with him, over and over, never had so much fun!!!!

J.T. Neilson, I LOVE You Bud!! Good Boy!!
:cry: :cry: :cry:





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Re: My Best Bud

Post by lvt01 »

Sorry to hear John. I can understand your sorrow completely. I'll say a prayer for your furry bud!

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Re: My Best Bud

Post by Big58cal »

Hate to hear that. :( They really do get to be a part of the family. I've got a little squirrel dog that my wife generally despises and calls "a bag of hair", but he's my little buddy. I know I'm going to be a basket case if/when something happens to him. :( :(
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by VixChix »

Awww... John. Now you got another woman crying.

Nothing tears your heart out like having to go that last mile together. Seems like there's a special bond between some dogs - they become "heart dogs". When they go you feel like you've lost a part of yourself. It's never easy. And it shouldn't be.

Hold J.T. and tell him he's a good boy and he's never let you down.

Someone once sent me this - it's long, but it helped:

The Journey

When you bring a pet into your life, you begin a journey. A journey that will bring you more love and devotion than you have ever known, yet will also test your strength and courage. If you allow, the journey will teach you many things, about life, about yourself, and most of all, about love.

You will come away changed forever, for one soul cannot touch another without leaving its mark.

Along the way, you will learn much about savoring life's simple pleasures -- jumping in leaves, snoozing in the sun, the joys of puddles, and even the satisfaction of a good scratch behind the ears.

If you spend much time outside, you will be taught how to truly experience every element, for no rock, leaf, or log will go unexamined, no rustling bush will be overlooked, and even the very air will be inhaled, pondered, and noted as being full of valuable information.

Your pace may be slower, except when heading home to the food dish, but you will become a better naturalist, having been taught by an expert in the field. Too many times we hike on automatic pilot, our goal being to complete the trail rather than enjoy the journey. We miss the details: the colorful mushrooms on the rotting log, the honeycomb in the old maple snag, the hawk feather caught on a twig.

Once we walk as a dog does, we discover a whole new world. We stop; we browse the landscape, we kick over leaves, peek in tree holes, look up, down, all around. And we learn what any dog knows that nature has created a marvelously complex world that is full of surprises, that each cycle of the seasons bring ever changing wonders, each day an essence all its own.

Even from indoors you will find yourself more attuned to the world around you. You will find yourself watching: summer insects collecting on a screen; how bizarre they are; how many kinds there are or noting the flick and flash of fireflies through the dark. You will stop to observe the swirling dance of windblown leaves, or sniff the air after a rain. It does not matter that there is no objective in this; the point is in the doing, in not letting life's most important details slip by.

You will find yourself doing silly things that your pet-less friends might not understand: spending thirty minutes in the grocery aisle looking for the cat food brand your feline must have, buying dog birthday treats, or driving around the block an extra time because your pet enjoys the ride. You will roll in the snow, wrestle with chewie toys, bounce little rubber balls till your eyes cross, and even run around the house trailing your bathrobe tie with a cat in hot pursuit, all in the name of love.

Your house will become muddier and hairier. You will wear less dark clothing and buy more lint rollers. You may find dog biscuits in your pocket or purse, and feel the need to explain that an old plastic shopping bag adorns your living room rug because your cat loves the crinkly sound. You will learn the true measure of love. The steadfast, undying kind that says,"It doesn't matter where we are or what we do, or how life treats us as long as we are together."

Respect this always. It is the most precious gift any living soul can give another. You will not find it often among the human race. And you will learn humility. The look in my dog's eyes often made me feel ashamed. Such joy and love at my presence. She saw not some flawed human who could be cross and stubborn, moody or rude, but only her wonderful companion. Or maybe she saw those things and dismissed them as mere human foibles, not worth considering,and so chose to love me anyway.

If you pay attention and learn well, when the journey is done, you will be not just a better person, but the person your animal companion always knew you to be. The one they were proud to call beloved friend. I must caution you that this journey is not without pain. Like all paths of true love, the pain is part of loving. For as surely as the sun sets, one day your dear animal companion will follow a trail you cannot yet go down. And you will have to find the strength and love to let them go.

An animal companions time on earth is far too short, especially for those that love them. We borrow them, really, just for a while, and during these brief years they are generous enough to give us all their love, every inch of their spirit and heart, until one day there is nothing left. The cat that only yesterday was a kitten is all too soon old and frail and sleeping in the sun. The young pup of boundless energy now wakes up stiff and lame, the muzzle gone to gray.

Deep down we somehow always knew that this journey would end. We knew that if we gave our hearts they would be broken. But give them we must for it is all they ask in return. When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead, young and whole once more. "God speed, good friend," we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again.

Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by the elf »

John--I can't take credit for this ---but---someone once said ---the best place to bury your dog is in your heart---they will be there forever. Been there ; know what you are going through. Alonzo.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by Hoss »

My heart goes out to ya brother
Dedicated.... ta all the sweet Bucks yet ta die!
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by joe171 »

Sorry to hear Big John

I had to put our Barkley down a while back sad day

Good thing that will happen is the memories

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Re: My Best Bud

Post by wabi »

Sorry to hear the news - prayers for both you and him are on the way.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by wayne »

Our hearts go out to you & your family, sir.
I can't say any thing else, that the posting by "vixchix"
* THE JOURNEY * did not already say.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by ninepointer »


Been there buddy. I know that it hurts, more than you ever thought it would. The whole that your feeling in your heart right now will slowly start to fill with fond memories, happy times and great hunts together.

What you are feeling right now is a direct reflection of how much you cared for J.T. and how great of an owner you were to him. Most of all you helped him do what he did best; what he loved to do more than anything else; and that was to hunt. Too many of his breed never get to do that, ever. If a dog could have a bucket list, J.T. got to cross off everything on his list, thanks to you John.

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Re: My Best Bud

Post by Normous »

Sorry to hear of your loss John. My heart goes out to you and your family.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by one shot scott »

I'm very sorry to hear that John.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by diesel »

Sure sorry to hear that John, Very sad day for sure.
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Re: My Best Bud

Post by OneShot »

Our pets are like family .

We always miss them when they are not around.

Sorry for your loss .

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Re: My Best Bud

Post by Kelley »

I am sorry for your loss. I have been in your shoes in your shoes several times in the last 68 years. I have had dogs since my father brought home a 6 week old pup when I was 6 weeks old and he was my playmate and teacher for over 12 years. I have never been without a dog(or dogs) since. They and were all family and treated as such. I loved them all and miss them.
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