How do you remove urine scent?

Crossbow Hunting

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How do you remove urine scent?

Post by Partikle »

I lent my buddy my exomax for moose hunting. He did not have any luck but now my bow has a slight moose urine smell from his cover scent. I've been told that whitetail deer do not like moose urine scent. How do I remove the moose scent before I use my bow for deer hunting?

I was thinking of rinsing it off with hot water. When I'm done I'll lubricate the trigger. Anything else I should watch for?

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Post by GaryL »

Partikle maybe a good cleaning with one of these recipes will work. I would not get nothing in the trigger unit :!: Use a damp rag to do all your cleaning with and I would use a gun cloth for the rail or a rag with very light coat of WD-40.. ... php?t=6898
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Post by Hi5 »

I guess you could just pee all over it yourself.

That would probably cover up the moose scent real well, and maybe more important, would make your friend buy his own xbow instead of borrowing yours!!

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Post by GaryL »

Hi5 wrote:I guess you could just pee all over it yourself.

That would probably cover up the moose scent real well, and maybe more important, would make your friend buy his own xbow instead of borrowing yours!!

:D :D
I tink Image would work better Hi5 :!: :twisted:
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Post by Spring »


Simple. Don't get the bow between the wind and a deer's nose. That bow could stink to high heaven and not matter. If they can smell the moose pee they can smell you in which case you've already been busted. Guaranteed.

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Post by Woodsman »

Try washing it with a rag, a little hunter's soap, and hot water. Don't go over board with it.

Before going bow hunting, I shower using the green bottle (soap in liquid format) for shampoo and body. Before walking to my stand, I'll use the Neutraliser on my clothing and then a fox cover scent on my boots.

Being down wind always helps, but the deer don't always cooperate.

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Post by Guest »

SPRING is right on---tryin to get scent free to where these animals dont smell us is damn near impossible...In my O all of the anti-scent products out there designed to hide our scent from a whitetail a joke..

play the wind or dont hunt that area..hunt an area that provides you that option...
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Post by Partikle »

Thanks Woodsman,

I'll try that out. I also bath in green hunters soap, wash all of my clothing in hunters detergent and hang it to dry. I use some cover scent on my rubber boots and use the wind as much as possible. I'm sticking cedar limbs in with my clothing now for a nice cover scent.

I know it's impossible to become totally scent free but every little bit helps for when the wind changes direction and I don't want to leave a huge vapour trail to my stand.

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Post by GaryL »

Partikle I am not putting down scent free products, however the odor of something such as a moose to a deer might make it come take a look...rather then run...

With that being stated I would do what ever you think you must do..Just don't over do it in the trigger area... :wink:
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Post by Partikle »

Thanks Gary,

A couple of hunters told me moose and deer stay away from each other?!? Or maybe just deer stay away from Moose?
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Post by GaryL »

Be honest with ya Partikle I would not know...We do not have them MONSTER MOOSE in Ohio...sure wish we did...Then again after seeing what one did to a McDonalds and a few pic's of car/truck moose meetings Maybe not :!: :wink:
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striper not logged in

Post by striper not logged in »

Partikle: I have some coon hunting friends here in Alabama who use dilute vinegar, lemon juice or dilute ammonia to get skunk scent off their clothes or dogs. You could rub down the exterior of the bow with a damp cloth-damp not wet. It won't hurt your bow, although I would make sure that you don't let it get on the inner workings. Probably wouldn't hurt if it did, but why take a chance. Striper
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Post by Hi5 »

I doubt that you need to be all that worried about moose scent scaring off deer.

They normally aren't seen together, but likely that has a lot to do with their preferred habitat. Deer don't wallow in swamps, and moose don't eat corn or alfalfa.

Also, deer avoid close proximity with elk as well. Deer like to sneak around tippy toe, so to speak. Elk stomp around making a heck of a racket. Deer don't like that. Moose aren't the quietest animal on four legs that walk the forest, either. Deer like it nice and quiet for them to feel at ease.

None of the above has anything to do with scent, however.

If the smell on your bow bothers you, clean it for that reason. (Or maybe for reasons of hygene.) If the deer smell moose urine from your bow you can bet they smell you too. And the smell of YOU will scare them a heck of a lot more than the moose pee.

By the way, sorry about the suggestion for you to pee on your bow. I also liked to watch Monty Python's Flying Circus. I guess I have a warped sense of humour.
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